How to replace the animal protein during the Great Post


The protein performs a very important feature: it is a building material for the cells of our body. If you are accustomed to getting it from animal products, then a sharp refusal of meat, milk and eggs can turn into a real test for you and serious health problems.

In today's review, let's talk about what products you can replace the animal protein during the Great Post to keep well-being and vigorous mood.

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Peas, Nut, Beans, Lentils, Soy and other legumes - Real champions in the content of plant protein. They will long give a sense of saturation, besides, they do not harm the figure: there are few calories in them, but many dietary fibers that improve the metabolism and create a favorable medium in the body to reproduce useful microorganisms. Soybean is deserved separately: it reduces the level of poor cholesterol, improves the working of kidneys and removes dioxin carcinogen from the body.

From legumes you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes: for example, homemade humus or very satisfying salad with beans, tofu and falafel. And so that the legumes are better absorbed, they need to be used in combination with vegetables.

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Crupes and bran

During the Great Post, it is certainly necessary to eat cereals: they contain not only vegetable protein, but also a number of important amino acids that are missing in legumes. In those days when you can use boiled food, we advise you to start a day with porridge: rice, buckwheat, pearl, corn, oatmeal, bone, millet, as well as Bulgur, Movie and Kuskus. They will fill the body with useful trace elements, improve the metabolism and raise you to the lunch itself.

Very helpful and bran, especially oatmeal: they contain high quality vegetable proteins and fatty acids. In addition, they have unsecured fibers that enhance the intestinal peristalsis and purify the body from slags and toxins. Bran can be in pure form by drinking water, or add hot dishes and salads to cereals.

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Nuts and seeds

The group of products rich in vegetable protein includes nuts. In addition, they are important to maintain youth, since they help the body produce special hormones that slow down the aging processes.

Most high quality protein contains walnut, the second place is taken by the almond. Their fruit can be mixed with dried fruits or make salads with them, for example, such a nutritious delicious salad with avocado and spinach. However, remember that nuts are a rather calorie product, so it is better to limit ourselves to 4-5 pieces per day.

It is useful to enjoy both lines, chia and sunflower seeds - the last 24% consist of vegetable protein. However, it should be remembered that the body is able to fully assimilate no more than 100 g sunflower seeds per day.

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Protein reserves can be replenished with mushrooms: fresh, dried marinated or frozen. Some scientists adhere to the opinions that mushrooms are saturated with the body even better than meat. In addition, low-calorie mushrooms, and therefore you do not have to worry about the figure. White mushrooms are considered champions on taste and nutritional performance, while in dried borodics, the concentration of beneficial substances is much higher than in fresh.

Easy in preparation and at the same time a very tasty and fragrant cabbage with forest mushrooms is an excellent option for a laundry menu. However, in the recipe you can safely use oysters and champignons.

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Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are not the most generous source of protein, but they can provide all-in-delivery assistance. Most should be left at the zucchini, Brussels cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, avocado, figs, kuragu, dates, kiwi and bananas. Banana is also strengthened by the production of serotonin, responsible for a good mood, and this is especially important during the post, when a person is deprived of most of the habitual joys.

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