In the bank of development changed chapter. This is one of the youngest leaders of banks.

In the bank of development changed chapter. This is one of the youngest leaders of banks. 3119_1
In the bank of development changed chapter. This is one of the youngest leaders of banks. 3119_2
In the bank of development changed chapter. This is one of the youngest leaders of banks. 3119_3

Prime Minister Roman Puzzchenko presented today at the Bank's development bank today. They became Alexander Egorov. Until this for more than two years, he was the deputy head of Belarusbank. The Supervisory Board decided to appoint Alexander Egorov by the Chairman of the Board from March 9.

What is aware of the new leader? He was 35 years old, studied at BSU and Master of Williams College in the United States. Belarusbank began working in 2015. The deputy chairman was responsible for the strategic development and digital transformation of the bank. Before that, he was in senior positions in the Ministry of Economics, also worked as a representative office of the IMF in Belarus and the National Bank.

- No broken, only evolutionary development. But without a long swing, "Roman Golchenko denoted the tasks to the new leader. - From the new head of the bank, I as the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Svodelovet expect strengthening the role of the Bank in the further economic development of the country. Development Bank should transform into a modern financial instrument that meets new tasks and challenges.

Alexander Egorov noted that because of the pandemic today, many in masks and individuals are not visible, but he intends to meet every employee of the Bank personally. The main tasks of the Development Bank, he called work on the priority for the Government - investments, exports, improving the effectiveness of the public sector.

The previous chapter of the Bank of Development Andrei Zhishkevich spent more than two years in this post. Here he came from MTBank, where he was the leader of 13 years. Rumors about his departure from the country remained rumored, Roman Golovchenko today presented him with the Honor of the Council of the Council and commented on the personnel permutations.

- So that there are no passages or curvators, assumptions. The change of management is not a result of some bad work, omissions, failures, there are no hidden events behind this, "said Prime Minister. - Andrei Kazimirovich is a highly professional banker, a decent person.

According to Roman Golovchenko, under the leadership of Zhishkevich since December 2018, the Development Bank has demonstrated positive results in all major activities. The bank's assets rose 1.5 times and exceeded 12 billion rubles, the investment loan portfolio increased.

About the new place of work Zhishkevich is not reported, but as the prime minister expressed, "Memoirs while writing early."

- I am sure that Andrei Kazimirovich will not fall out of the system. His experience, knowledge and talents there will be worthy application, after a little translates the Spirit.

Andrei Zhishkevich was changed in this position Sergey Rumas, who then headed the government, and now is located in London. We will remind, on February 3, rumors about the detainment of Rumas appeared. Also appeared information about the detention of bankers who worked with him earlier. The security forces did not comment on information, later in conversation with Onliner, the wife of the former Top official Zhanna said that it was not true, the ex-prime minister outside of Belarus. After some time, Sergey Rumas himself came to know and confirmed that he was free.

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