What is passive income and why doesn't he help us?

What is passive income and why doesn't he help us? 3112_1
What is passive income and why doesn't he help us? Photo: Depositphotos.

Passive income is the types of income independent of daily activities. In other words, when you have a source of income that does not require your active participation. Or, even easier, when you do not do anything, and you earn money yourself. Or what is called the Jewish word in Russian - freebies.

Renta, she is a rental of real estate for rent, bank deposit, securities, intellectual property, sites, brands that bring regular income for which it is not necessary, from 9 to 6, habitually tear the veins.

In Russian folk fairy tales, a lot of "passive income", eternal Russian freebies: Husli-samogudi, boots, swords, self-priming tablecloths ... self-moving furnaces, self-showing wolves, on which they are free to drive.

Kingaishns, at the expense of which Emelia-Leiaboki and Ivani-fools provide themselves with "passive income," that is, they live, without working in the office or at the factory, lobotrying on everything ready.

In the heart of the Russian man - the eternal desire for the fact that now we call the Western wording "passive income," when it was podnapsya, rushed-I rope-podnal, and then you sit for myself for a self-bare-based tablecloth under the Gusli-samogudo, Income "yourself count.

And at the same time no one is so hard, so hard does not believe that the freebies, passive income for our person is possible in nature, and not only in fairy tales, exists.

The bank is bursting, the state will delete the contribution, currency and securities will be impaired, intellectual property will decoke, the site must be constantly looking at ... etc. Our person knows that it is sure ... deceived.

There is no happiness in the world, and for a Russian person - no passive income! It is with such an installation that he approaches everything that it does not fit in the framework of him, as a rule, limited to his experience, consciousness and understanding. According to the principle: I do not have - no one has. And who has - that ... well, you already know.

And it turns out a miracle-wonderful, diva-wonder: there are two people, one works at the factory or in the office for ... to make a month, from dawn and to pay, with heads in loans and debts, and the other - with passive income and especially What is called, not batted.

Well, not the oligarch he, but the income is passive or half-grace organized. How?

  • Podified money, bought real estate squares and now they are subject to office.
  • Well, or the apartment in the center gives, the same "twenty" a month has.
  • Well, or invested money in dollars, and dollars entrusted the bank.
  • Well, or even a large amount in the "wooden" invested in the bank for the next year.
  • Well, or created his channel on YouTube and now removes all blogger nonsense, but thousands of two of the audience has. Etc.

Yes, yes, our person and will now throw it to prove that all this is no means a passive income in its pure form, that banks are unreliable, the state will definitely deceive that the apartment will be sang, office or garage, too, that the paper will be impaired, and the canal must be unwound.

In a word, these emes and Ivanas, thirsty of freebies, will throw all their strength to prove that it is impossible, it is impedely, risky and in general - it is necessary to work there too. And, therefore, nothing but office and factory slavery is impossible, prices are growing all the time, national tugres depreciates and there is no happiness in the world ...

Instead of trying to go beyond your stereotypes, your experience, realize:

  • That the forms of life and income also in our time are sapered and possible, more than ever.
  • What to start with small one.
  • What to spend less than you earn, and saved to multiply.
  • What at the beginning you work for money, paper, brands, channels, and then they work for you.
  • That without risk nothing happens.
  • What to count on the perspective for the next year or two, and not ten years ahead.
  • What money make money ...

But, as always, ignorant will be proven to those who have any other experience and anyone else turned out, why everything is impossible. And will be right. In their life it is really impossible.

Author - Igor Tkachev

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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