In January, a three-month snow rate fell in the Irkutsk region


Irkutsk Region, 17.02.21 (IA Teleinform), - In January, a three-month snow rate (39 mm at a rate of 12 mm) fell in the Irkutsk region. This was told about this, the head of the basic department of the Institute of Solar and Earth Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Department of Meteorology and Physics of the Equity Space Space of the Geographical Faculty of Irkutsk State University Inna Latyshev. She noted that the January snowy anomaly exceeded the previous record of 1956 (38 mm). In addition, according to her, by mid-February, the monthly rate of precipitation has already fallen in Irkutsk. In general, the winter climatic rate of precipitation was 1.6 times exceeded.

Inna Latyshev stressed that abundant snowfalls were also celebrated in the central region, and in the Urals, and a four-month-month rate of precipitation fell in January in January in January.

- In addition, the strongest snowfall was celebrated in Spain, Italy, Austria, Japan and the United States. What is even more surprising, in the middle of winter, snow fell in the Sahara desert and in Saudi Arabia. Obviously, abnormal snowfalls in January 2021 were large-scale in the northern hemisphere, and, obviously, there is a common cause that determines them.

Inna Latysheva noted that the high-altitude field of pressure in January was typical for winter in the northern hemisphere - with heat flows and a comb over the Atlantic, which determined the deepening of the hollow over Europe, the development of the crest over the Urals and the formation of an extensive cold hollow over Eastern Siberia. With such a wave structure, favorable conditions were natural for the formation of deep cyclones over the Atlantic and Mediterranean, which shifted into the mainland of the continent with flows of warm and wet air. In Siberia, a cold cyclone dominated Siberia, and in the south there were removal of warm air from the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the districts of Lake Balkhash. As a result, in the north of the Irkutsk region, the minimum temperatures were lowered to -55 - 57 ° C, and the southern areas often fell under the influence of atmospheric fronts.

According to the head of the department, the increased activity of cyclones in this winter is associated with the favorable conditions for their formation along the coordinary continents and even in the territory of Mongolia, where the Mongolian center of Asian Anticyclone is usually dominated. Also, it is impossible not to take into account the effect of wind streams of heat and moisture oriented from the Pacific Ocean and reaching our region.

Among the reasons for abnormally snowy winter, Inna Latyshev also called the entry of the Irkutsk region in the era of meridional circulation, the cold phase of global circulation - la-nigni in the Equatorial zone of the Pacific Ocean.

- Finally, we are at the beginning of a new solar cycle, but its manifestation in atmospheric processes is a subject of a separate study. However, registration of climatic extremums of January 2021 and the simultaneous increase in seismic activity in the region pushes us to the need for comprehensive research focused on a deeper understanding of the causes of observed weather and natural anomalies.

In January, a three-month snow rate fell in the Irkutsk region 3095_1

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