10 situations that prove that people who can delight themselves receive more than others from this life


The modern rhythm of life is very suitable for the famous phrase from the book Lewis Carrolla: "You need to run from all your feet to just stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast." We run so quickly that it seems to stay and relax seems to us with an incomplete luxury. And in this race, forget that our effectiveness directly depends on how well we can rest and allow themselves small joy.

We in adme.ru read a lot of information on the theme of hedonism. And they found out why sometimes to achieve the best results should be made to pleasure and just relax, and not work for wear.

1. Let's have a breather

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Sometimes in daily concerns and problems, we forget about our own desires and needs. But if you overload the body for a long time, in the end, in the end, he will somehow take his portion of rest. And this "rest" will not always be in our will: against the background of accumulated fatigue and stress, the body can relax and become more susceptible to diseases.

2. Take a vacation more often

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Many people are proud to be dedicated to all the time work and rarely take a vacation. However, experts say that each of us needs to be resting regularly. No matter, you will ride in the mountains on skis or lie on the sofa. The main thing here is to really relax and disconnect from worries. Even a weekly vacation once a few months will give strength, and this will allow it better to concentrate at work.

3. Relate from children

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Children are the most important component of our life. However, let's try in the eye: even from your favorite child you can get tired. To be a good parent, it is important to spend time away from our own offspring. There is nothing wrong with sometimes leave the child with a nanny or someone from relatives to distract and for some time to be a man or a woman, and not dad or mom.

4. Do not require yourself too much

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Each woman really relates to his appearance and wants to always be in good shape. However, it is not necessary to infringe on everything on the way to the figure of the dream. Too serious restrictions in food often lead to breakdowns. Therefore, seeking to find the desired form, try to approach this question is not so serious. Sometimes it is better to afford little weakness than to prevent any desires on the way to goal.

5. Work where you like

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If you are happy at work and love your work, it gives you more chances on the way to success. People who like their job are usually more motivated: they learn faster, make fewer mistakes and take weighted solutions. The unloved work is daily stress, which leads to depression.

6. Sometimes just idle

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We are accustomed to always be occupied, because we have a bunch of cases: work, life, children. Sit down once: How can I sit idle if in the kitchen a full sink of dirty dishes? But it turns out that constant bustle and endless lists of affairs we drown out our emotions. If you stay literally for 5-10 minutes, lie down in silence and without gadgets, then it may be possible to listen to yourself and understand that in fact it is important for you and valuable.

7. Less children with useful things.

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Which of us does not want to give a child a decent education? However, in this good desire, we often forget not only about themselves, but also about the children themselves. Forcing them to constantly teach something that comes in handy in the future, we forget about the importance of a free children's game. When a child plays, he also learns to interact with the outside world, to live emotions. And it is no less valuable than English. Sometimes parents need to simply stop and enjoy the contemplation of how the child is careless to go on the platform with the peers.

8. Do not regret money on yourself and others.

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We are all concerned about how to earn and multiply money. However, few of us know how to spend them. But in this case, why make money? Multiply income is reasonable and correct, but the ban on pleasure in the name of savings does not bring happiness to our life. Constantly deny yourself in small joys - it means to drop yourself.

9. Do not look around for someone else's opinion.

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Often we mistakenly think that other people pay attention to each trifle in our behavior or appearance. However, in fact, we are simply inclined to treat yourself much more stricter than those who watch us. This is called the "Spotlight Effect". Try to relax and do not try to be perfect in the eyes of outsiders. You will see that no one will notice your shortcomings, but it will be easier to live and easier.

10. Learn to refuse

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"Trouble-free person" - we often hear these words about someone, sometimes even about themselves. Such people love, because I do not like to hear a tough "no". But the inability to refuse directly affects the quality of our life: the more time we pay to others, the less it remains for themselves. To say solid "no" is sometimes really difficult. But trying once, you immediately feel a sense of relief and freedom.

Do you often make yourself a pleasure to be yourself?

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