Koleus - all about leaving

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Koleus - all about the leave Domadeal

Coleuses are considered to be rightfully the most unpretentious indoor plants. In this article, we will consider such questions as care for coleus, watering and reproduction of the coles.

Koleus - care at home

Koleus is an evergreen long-term shrub. Coleuses differ from their relatives relatively rapid growth. From the peculiarities of the care it is worth noting that the cakes need to rejuvenate, that is, periodic trimming. It is not worth it to be afraid, otherwise the plant will lose its decorative look (a naked barrel with leaves on the top of the painter remains).

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Koleus - all about the leave Domadeal

Chic cake

Most flowers converge in the opinion that the colleuse flowers must be deleted. Otherwise, the plant loses its presentable motley color, all power goes on flowering, foliage falls. This, of course, is personal.

If you are new to flower growing, start with cakes. Koleus is not a capricious indoor plant. This room plants only need a sufficient amount of sunlight, as it is a thermal-loving and light-lubricated room plant.

When leaving the flashes, avoid temperatures below 12 degrees.

For uniform growth of the crook and symmetry, the bush should be regularly rotated the pot around its axis.

Watering and fertilizer of coles

Koleus owners should always follow the soil in a pot, the soil in the pot always should be slightly moistened, especially in summer and during the period of heating.

Coleuses do not need to spray leaves from the sprayer. If you get droplets of water on the leaves, traces remain.

We feed Koleus from spring by autumn with a complex fertilizer (for flowering and decorative and deciduous plants) with an interval 1 time per week.

Reproduction of Koleussov

To multiply the flashes in two ways:

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Koleus - all about the leave Domadeal
Koleus - all about leaving 3072_4
Koleus - all about the leave Domadeal

Coleuses from seeds

  • Rooting cuttings. Clause cuttings are rooted in water or in a wet soil. Cut cuttings are suitable for reproduction after rejuvenation.

The soil for cake suits the universal, which can be purchased in a flower shop or assemble their own equal parts of the sheet and the turf and a little sand.

Clause pot chosen in the size of the root system.

Here is such a simple room flower called Koleus.

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