Why do people "aged" recommend butter and fat

Why do people

Experts allocated a number of rules that will lead not only to longevity, but also to a good mood.

It is no longer a secret that the nerve cells multiply and even restore throughout the lifetime. Each of us can decide what way of life should he choose. Experts allocated a number of rules that will lead not only to longevity, but also to a good mood.

First, experts people aged recommended to use polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained not only in fatty varieties of fish, but also in fat. To preserve and multiply nerve cells, up to 100 grams of good sala and 300 grams of fish.

Doctors found out that the lack of cream oil negatively affects the condition of the body, so you should forget about the "harmful cholesterol" about which experts said earlier. It is especially recommended to use oil in the morning clock for breakfast. The deficiency can lead to marasmus, depression and even to Alzheimer's disease.

In addition to the bass and oil, people aged should not forget about the eggs that contain amino acids of Holine. A week should be used up to 4-5 eggs.

In the beef liver, the zinc content is more than ever, so this product is recommended to be used to improve memory. You can eat not only the liver, but also a pate.

Tomatoes are also an indispensable product for the elderly. You can give preference to sauces and ketchu, but only without additives and preservatives.

Specialists are recommended to eat 2 apples daily, since this fruit protects the neurons of the brain from free radicals.

In addition to the right products, you should not forget about tea, experts advise brewing the leaves of Sage. This tea contains amino acids that have favorably affect the brain.

Night sleep is no less important for the elderly, for the correct work of the brain it is recommended to sleep at least 6-7 hours.

Running and walking will help not only enrich the brain with oxygen, but long-term workouts will help look at the problems differently. Experts note that it may be not only physical exertion, but also dancing.

Massage is as useful for older people, only if there is no contraindications. Specialists recommend doing at least head massage with both hands for 2-3 minutes.

Do not forget about the meditation - charging for the mind. Daily it is worth a given procedure for 5-10 minutes. Prayer can also become an excellent exercise for the work of the brain. It is important to pray sincerely, contact your loved ones or to God.

Reading is an excellent source for the proper work of the brain. Do not read the same, experts advise the directions in literary genres. Viewing news to reading does not apply, so a person gets only dry facts.

Why do people

It is also important to take for any new job if it is offered. Brain cells begin to actively interact when changing the profession. Therefore, experts even recommend changing the type of activity to people aged.

You can even start learning someone anything. These may even be knitting, cooking or other types of hobbies.

It is useful for older people to walk barefoot, the nerve ending transmit new sensations to neurons of the brain. It is easiest to do it at home, or if there are grandchildren, then orthopedic mats are now very popular.

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