Buzova married Maldives and 3 more news that you could sleep

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The last few days in show business was issued on events. The network broke out a scandal due to the fact that the young dad of Arseni Schulgin flew away to rest, leaving his wife at home with a newborn daughter. Olga Buzova seems to be married, and Ilon Mask became the richest man on the planet. What will he spend this money? Read today in the journal digest



Olga Buzov congratulations with marriage

And also: Leia Ahacedzhakova fell into the hospital with coronavirus.

Olga Buzova played a wedding in Maldives

Source: YouTube.

A video appeared on the network, which shows how the 34-year-old TV presenter and the singer marries his beloved David Manukyan. The action takes place in the Maldives, on the beach under the march of Mendelssohn. The bride and groom are dressed in white outfits with flower wreaths on the neck and samples in a certain document. In the hands of Olga holds a bouquet.

Based on this, the fans decided that the couple was finally married. On the eve of Buzova and Manukyan, 17 months have noted from the date of the beginning of the relationship. In addition, and Olga, and David were interested in recently with their fans, whether they still play a wedding. Were they really husband and wife, it is not clear. In any case, marriage registration in Maldives has no legal force in Russia.

The newlyweds will have to appear in the Russian registry office on returning from the islands, if they really want to sign. Rumors about the engagement of the television and blogger appeared in November 2020. Together couple from autumn 2019. His novel with Manukyan Buzova confirmed in December of the same year. Since then, she sometimes called Given by her husband, and he made a tattoo in honor of Olga and presented her dear ring with a diamond.

Son Valeria threw his wife at home with a child and flew away
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© Lianashulginaa / Instagram

On January 1, 2021, singer Valeria became a grandmother. Her son Arsenia was born daughter Celine. We did not have time to add congratulations, as the scandal struck. The fact is that a 22-year-old new father left at home a young wife Lianu with a newborn baby and flew away to rest. Haters did not make themselves waiting for a long time, leaving the mass of angry comments on the network.

On the defense of the husband became Liana herself, which abruptly answered unfintellers. She stated that it would not allow anyone to climb into their family. According to her, Arseny flew away from her dad for several days to ride skiing and the trip was agreed with her. Liana noted that the son of Valeria constantly works, but it pays enough time to the family, so he has earned a small rest. Arseniy wanted to take his wife and daughter with him, but the doctors were forbidden to take out the baby, since she was very small for such travel.

The daughter-in-law of Valeria perfectly copes with the role of Mom, especially since she helps to care for Celine. She calmly let her husband go on vacation. Couple played a wedding in the summer of 2020. The fact that the young family will soon be replenished, it became known in August. Officially, rumors about pregnancy Liana spouse confirmed in mid-October last year.

Ilon Mask will sell all the property to populate Mars
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© USKDay / Twitter

Recently it became known that Ilon Mask became the richest man on earth. Now the founder of Spacex and Tesla plans to split all its property to take up the settlement of Mars. According to the entrepreneur, the construction of the city on another planet requires serious financial injections. This is one of the reasons for solving a mask. Another is indirect: so Ilon wants to prove the seriousness of his intentions.

"From a financial point of view, I will not have almost anything valuable, except for the company's shares. I am ready to sleep right in the office or in the factory. Of course, children need accommodation, so I will shoot him or think of something, "said Mask.

As of the beginning of January 2021, Tesla shares significantly grew by enriching the entrepreneur at $ 185 billion. He bypassed Amazon Jeff Bezness, who was considered the richest man in the world for the past three years.

On my desire to build an autonomous city on Mars, the survival of which will not depend on the Earth, Ilon said at the end of 2020. By the 2050th he wants to send the first million people to the Red Planet. At the same time, earthly laws on Mars will not act. Mask wants to rely on the principle of self-government, "established on the basis of goodwill."

Lyia Ahacedzhakov was hospitalized with coronavirus
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Photo: korrespondent.net.

People's Artist of Russia infected COVID-19. 82-year-old actress was hospitalized on January 7. Against the background of Coronavirus, Ahacedzhakaya aggravated chronic diseases and its condition worsened. According to the producer of the artist, she feels fine. It is also reported that Leah Majidovna lies in the ordinary ward, and not in the intensive care.

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