Lifehaki purchases and selection of business technology

Lifehaki purchases and selection of business technology 3065_1
Lifehaki purchases and selection of business technology 3065_2
Lifehaki purchases and selection of business technology 3065_3
Lifehaki purchases and selection of business technology 3065_4

When purchasing and choosing the technique, beginners and not only entrepreneurs often commit the same mistakes. Unreasonable spending can be avoided, armed with a pair of tips for experienced. In this material we tried to collect important lifehaki for you on choosing office computer iron for different tasks.

Do not create a "zoo"

Choose always the same laptop brand for all employees. It will relieve you from problems with warranty service, compatibility with different peripherals. Also, thanks to a large-scale purchase, you can get serious discounts: as a rule, large volumes will be enough to become a VIP client for the seller. Often they forget about it and create a "zoo" of devices: When one employee uses Asus, the other is Dell, the third is Lenovo, and the fourth - Apple. Everything is wonderful to the first fault or to the selection stage of accessories. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare to meet a high-quality universal service center, as well as a universal periphery.

Choose affordable

The technique you use should be in the constant present of the reseller or distributor. No need to choose exclusive models that need to be brought to order: it can cause difficulties in case of additional purchases or operational replacement. However, it is worth noting that there are situations when the project needs a technique in a special configuration: in this case, custom solutions can be ordered, but you need to be prepared for expectation in a couple of months.

Buy with a reserve

When purchasing do not save on your business. It often happens that the company buys computer techniques, strictly based on the number of employees. At first glance, it seems a rational approach, but the technique sooner or later fails, and most often it happens at the most inopportune moment.

Imagine the situation when a programmer with a monthly salary of $ 3,000 suddenly stopped working a laptop. To repair it under warranty, you need to wait a couple of weeks. Programmer all this time will sit without work, and the firm will be forced to pay him a salary, losing money and risking on time to not pass the project to the customer.

To avoid similar difficulties, buy more laptops anymore and keep them in stock. Assign the responsible for the technique, communication with suppliers and service centers. As a rule, in addition to servicing a computer park, this issues in companies are engaged in companies, but if you have more than 50 people in the state, it is recommended to allocate for negotiations with suppliers and organizations of purchases of a separate person.

Choose suppliers with your warehouses

Many online stores work from the distributor or importer warehouse. Reliable to contact suppliers who have their own warehouse stock. It speaks both their reliability as business partners, and that the goods you need will always be available. By the way, in such cases, a convenient filter "In stock" helps very well.

Learn in advance about the conditions of warranty and organization of service

It happens, for example, that the laptop works, but he refused the port. Usually, the service center immediately takes a laptop under warranty, and you can only wait: maybe a week, and maybe two. But it also happens differently: for you, you order a new port, you still work for a laptop, then when it is brought, your laptop takes the courier and returns back on the same day. All service features are better to discuss with the supplier in advance. To save you from standing in queues in service centers, a good supplier will send you to your technique of courier and will return renovated directly to the office. He can also provide you with an extended guarantee for all the goods either on his party in coordination with the representatives of the brand.

Do not save on your risks

Sometimes the purchases face unfair online stores. Even after making a prepayment, it is necessary to wait for a very long time, while not always successfully. To avoid such situations, it is better to work with 2-3 proven sellers, the best quality quality indicator is user reviews and a srangian radio.

Sometimes it is better to overpay, but at the same time getting a technique is guaranteed on time, as well as a qualified service if necessary.

If possible, give preference to official dealers or choose the product "white" delivery, which is surrounded into the country with all documents. This will avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Use the test drive service

It often happens that expensive customers are asking for a test to determine the purchase decision. Well, if the supplier has in stock the most running positions or access to the test park distributor. As a rule, only major importers possess such capabilities.

Decide the goals for which the technique is selected. Choose for needs

Before selecting equipment, you need to deal with procurement goals. To do this, it is not necessary to ask each employee, which he wants, just to determine the specifications. For example, a laptop for a programmer ideally should have an Intel Core i5, Core i7 processor on board or as an AMD Ryzen 5 and older. SSD and 16 GB of RAM (better more) are also desirable. By the way, if the budget is limited, then the issue with the development is solved easier: one powerful server is set on which the software is tested, and the code itself is written on ordinary consumer laptops.

If Apple is needed, then the new MacBook Pro 16 or 13 will suit, depending on the development requirements (the model with a larger diagonal comes with a discrete video card, and the youngest - without). By the way, at the end of 2020, Apple has released an innovative processor M1 on an ARM platform, which is superior to today all existing mobile solutions from Intel and AMD both in terms of performance and cost. Thanks to this, new features are open to users. Already in the 1st quarter of 2021, Apple may release an improved version - M1X, which will probably be installed in MacBook Pro 16. At the same time, not all developers are ready to go to this processor, since it has not yet established itself in And has certain restrictions: it is impossible to start virtualization on it, and it supports no more than 16 GB of RAM. You will also need a monitor, as a rule, with a full HD resolution, but it may be necessary to resolution 2K or 4K, which is given monitors with a diagonal of 24-27 inches. You can look at Dell: according to sellers, in this segment, the brand products are not in vain occupies a leading position in the market and often offers the best combination of price and quality. Diseases will suit the same configuration as programmers, but you need to add a powerful video card and monitor with 4k- resolution, since their work is important high clarity and detail. Laptops, such as Apple, Lenovo, Dell and HP help work with work.

Marketers, accountants and managers, buy laptops with Intel Core i3, Core i5, AMD Ryzen 3 or 5 processors, with RAM from 8 GB and SSD. If Apple, then the MacBook Air is a good option (advertising and SMM agencies) and freelancers in priority mobility. The main thing is that the laptop can take with me to meet with the client or to the conference and show, for example, the presentation. The configuration and the cost of technology are approximately the same as for marketers.

For managers, choose not only powerful, but also image solutions

As a rule, the director is the company's face that is often negotiating and communicates directly with key clients, so it is not worth saving on it. The brand is not so important, the main thing is that the laptop is easy, productive and status. Especially in the same IT, there are often situations when the director himself writes the code if necessary.

Choose a technique with the ability to upgrade and refuse solutions from the past

Choose a laptop, whose motherboard supports the ability to expand RAM in the future. Book up memory and install it in a free slot will be much cheaper than updating the computer park due to the missing 8-16 GB. Discrepiate laptops with HDD: today SSD is more reliable and fast, and moreover, they also fell significantly in price.

As for processors, pay attention to the Ryzen line from AMD. They cost cheaper than solutions from Intel, but at least they are not inferior to them in performance, and often excellent. AMD processors are not suitable for those who are developing on Intel.

Buy laptops without pre-installed software if you do not need

Simple example: if the developers write code on Linux, then when purchasing laptops can be saved to save on each unit, buying a technique without a pre-installed Windows, which can always be purchased separately if necessary.

Purchase laptops and monitors with Type-C and USB Hubes

Monitors and laptops with Type-C connectors are very convenient for operation: Ensure from multiple wires and search for outlets. Turn on the laptop, connected to it through the monitor connector and you can work. And by using a USB hub, you get all the necessary additional ports.

Dell, HP and Lenovo offer their branded hubs that are attached to a laptop in the form of a stand. Judging by the reviews, they are practically not heated, they offer more connectors and much more powerful. However, the products of other brands can also be used.

Sometimes it is just just ... Plan in advance

Suppose you have decided on the laptop model, but at the moment it is not available from the supplier - either there is, but only one. Of course, there is a temptation to quickly buy and start working, but do not forget that the technique can be cheaper, especially when it is offered several suppliers, and there is a competition. Plan the purchase of technology at least for at least 2-3 weeks before entering the work of new employees. And avoid impulse purchases that are often accompanied by overpaying and incorrectly choosing.

Choose brands that are widely represented in our market.

Manufacturers who are invested in the market and are actively developing in a corporate segment, often can provide a consumer with excellent post-sales service and technical support. It should be considered when choosing an iron supplier for your office.

Universal and Compact Solution - Monoblock

If the workspace is limited and there is a task to compactly place the technique, monoblocks come to the rescue. These are compact 9-B-1 solutions that do not require peripheral expenditures, and, as a rule, the periphery, but having enough different interfaces to connect external devices as needed.

Give the priority of mobility

You can buy stationary computers by making the configuration "for yourself", but such computers are required in exceptional cases. For example, for IT companies that develop games, or completely simple: for invoice and work in Excel. In other cases, it is much more convenient and more prudent to stay on laptops. In this case, when flashing various viral diseases, your employees will always be able to work out of the house.

Also, the mini-PC direction is also actively developing. And solutions from the same Dell, Lenovo, HP, ASUS or ACER have a number of advantages over laptops and stationary computers. First, they play at cost, and the second is ahead of compactness. At the exit you get powerful solutions, ready-made factory assembly and warranty.

If you need MacOS for work, we advise you to consider Mac Mini.

Briefly summarizing, it is worth saying that with any purchases first need to decide on the budget. The second stage should choose the supplier and the specification of the acquired technology. Well, and then just remains only to adhere to the selected procurement policy. Following the rules developed, you will ensure the smooth operation of your office and avoid mistakes that many entrepreneurs do daily.

We thank Vadim Levitan, the founder of the store, for the help in the preparation of the material

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