Penalty, three times presented to the title of the hero

Penalty, three times presented to the title of the hero 3054_1

Flying on 297 types of aircraft, experienced more than 200. He was a companion of Valery Chkalov, Mikhail Gromova, Stepan Supboan and Peter Stefanovsky. During the Great Patriotic War, 49 opponent aircraft was officially shot down and 47 more in the group. I have never been shot down, I left my fighters only as a result of the Taran of the enemy. Three times seemed to be the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, but Golden Star received only in 1948. It will be about the outstanding pilot of Ivan Evgrafovich Fedorov.

Penalty, three times presented to the title of the hero 3054_2
Ivan Evgrafovich Fedorov

Its real last name - Denisov. Ivan's father, Budyonnowovets of the first horse army, fought on the fronts of the Civil War. Returning to his homeland in Lugansk, the brave cavalryman rewrote the son on the surname of his grandfather. The reason for this was the hooliganism of an eight-year-old Sibling: Being a Batrakom Ivan to the retaliation for the bombings of the owner, his estate. Wanya was able to continue his education only at fourteen years. For two years, passed a five-year program, learned to the instrumental mechanic, and then on the driver of the locomotive. In parallel, he seriously fucked by aviation in a planar school and fifteen years old from the birth first rose to the sky.

In the Luhansk School of Military pilots Ivan got acquainted with a pedestal set of various aircraft: "AVRO-504", "Focker D-7", and - 2Bis, and-5. At the nineteen years, he became the squadron commander, flew to the I-15 and I-16, was improved in piloting and combat training himself and taught it others. But to become ASA, you must participate in real battles.

In 1937, this moment came. After the air parade over the Red Square of its participants, among whom were Fedors, invited to the Kremlin. Taking this opportunity, the 12 most experienced pilots decided to ask Spain, where the war was already. The pilots were put forward by Ivan, who, seeing Voroshilov, turned straight to him. People's Commissar, consulting with Stalin, gave "good." On June 17, Ivan Fedorov won his first victory in the Spanish Sky. According to the alarm, he took off to the interception of the group of Frankist bomber, who were covered with the latest German fighters "Messerschmitt-109" from Legion "Condor". Already in the air, the pilot noticed that she flew without a parachute. The brave crashed into a group of enemy aircraft and, smiling, a long queue shot down Me-109.

Despite the fact that air battles were conducted with the numerical superiority of the Aviation of General Franco, which Germans and Italians were very actively supported, the pilots of internationalists on the I-16 "piled" many enemies. Fedorov himself received from the Spaniards a nickname "Diabole Rooh" (i.e. "Red Devil") and personal gratitude in the form of a kiss from Dolores Ibarrury for skill and fearless in the sky. In a personal case behind the number 8803, it is that during the stay in Spain Fedorov "made 286 combat departures, conducted 36 air bonds, which showed exceptional air combat samples." He knocked 24 opponent aircraft (11 personally and 13 in the group). Made two taran. In addition to awarding, two orders of the Red Banner of Fedorov, among others, the Hero of the Soviet Union was presented in the ranks of the Hero of the Soviet Union. However, everything spoiled the scaffolding at a solemn banquet in Moscow between tankers and pilots arguing about the importance of the role of childbirth forces in which Ivan Evgrafovich took an active part.

After Spain, Fedorov was sent first to China, and then on the Khalhin-goal. "Japanese pilots were worthy opponents. They flew on quite good for that time fighters and-96 and showed themselves bold and fearless fighters, "he remembered later. Fedorov added another 8 shot down opponents to his account.

Soon after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Fedorov wrote the Commander of the Air Force of the Republic of Red Army reports with a request to be directed to the front. The request was satisfied in a different sense: Ivan Evgrafovich, who had a solid experience in the testing of aircraft, was sent to Gorky to factory No. 21 as a leading pilot. Copying the heart of our hero was gaining new Lagg-3, which was then shipped straight to the front. All reports that he gone to the Plant Director and the Command of the Air Force remained unanswered. To force the authorities to remove it from the test work, Fedorov decided on a desperate step: at the end of July he made three "dead loops" on the new fighter, ending under the bridge through OKU. The protection of the bridge opened fire on the hooligan. The case could end in the tribunal, and the pilot decided to fly towards the front. Saying goodbye to the radio with friends, he took the course to the West. The 3rd Army Army General Gromova was the end item of its route.

In the Moscow region Monina Fedorov landed for refueling. He was lucky: At the airfield, they did not know about the "hijacking" and, by refueling without problems, Ivan flew in the direction of Kalinin. Having found a major airfield with the command item, went for landing. Curious, Mikhail Gromov himself was escaped to the airplane, and Mikhail Gromov himself was released on the Personal Cadillac, presented to him back in 1937 by President Roosevelt for a non-winning flight Moscow - California through the North Pole. "Comrade General! Tester pilot Major Fedorov arrived to you for the passage of front-line practices! " - reported Ivan. In the meantime, the enemy intelligence officer HE-111 was seen above the airfield. Having received permission to experience the "new aircraft in combat conditions", Fedorov went to take up. The fight was short. In front of everyone he attacked and hit the German. Thunder congratulated Major: "We will assume that your front practice has begun."

In August 1942, as part of the 3rd air army, who fought on the Kalininsky front, a regiment of flux pilots was formed. On this unprecedented step, the front command went to level the domination in the air of German aviation. Here a group of German Asov was operating, the cars of which were painted by playing cards of all the masters, for which our pilots called them "cards". Losses Soviet aviation carried quite tangible from them. The Commander of the 3rd Air Army General Gromov suggested Marshal Konev to create a special group from experienced pilots who threatened the penalty battalion for various provinces and which at any cost will have to eliminate the "cards" and cover our troops from bombing.

Gromov was aware of all the completeness of responsibility taken over. In mid-August, pilots began to arrive at the Basharovo airfield, in whose regulations was: "He sent to the Fighter-Fighter Group." In total, 64 people got a lawsuit, and a legitimate question arose - who will command them? The best Assa Andrei Borovykh, Vasily Zaitsev and Anatoly Onufrienko (subsequently the heroes of the Soviet Union) refused. Here Fedorov turned up on hand, which himself expressed a desire to head the penalty man. The organization of Ivan Evgrafovich was given for two weeks. The group received new Yak-1 fighters and yak-7 and took part in the battles.

The first fights in the air showed that Fedorov hurried to enter his pilots into battle. The links fought fragmented, Svabno, although they gave a decent enemy bombers. The commander even had to tash the German wheels of the chassis and land on the parachute. Gradually, the flocks thanks to Fedorov have achieved coherence in their actions and began to fight more organized and assertive, and the best fighters of the army were translated on the strengthening, and the best army fighters: hares, Borovy, Onufrienko, Baranov.

Somehow, returning from aerial intelligence, Fedors, together with the driven Andrei Borov, suddenly found a large group of Me-109 at the front line. Seeing the grinding fuselaces, understood - the long-awaited "cards". Despite the deliberately losing balance of forces (two against fourteen), our pilots knit battle. Going into the forehead and splits to the German group in half, they fascinated the enemy to the battle on the shale. The "Yak" Fedorova got hit, and he to introduce an enemy in confusion, simulated a messy fall of the aircraft. One of the "Messers" with a figure of a dragon on the fuselage approached too closely and, not devastating, received a turn to focus and crashed into the ground. The same fate suffered his partner with a worm ace on the nose. Borovoye, in the meantime, piled a "peak lady." The surviving "cards" hit the flight. At the scene of the German Ance, the commandanta team visited and brought their documents to the headquarters and personal awards - knightly crosses. Fedorov Pilota presented Mauser, Tube and Kortk "Red Dragon" Commander of the Colonel Group Background Berg.

I still didn't forget about our hero in Moscow who had fallen on the front. In September, the Military Council of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan received from Gorky Depospey: "I ask you to return Fedorova I. E. To use it as a tester pilot." Thunder personally answered the director of the plant number 21: "The pilot test of your plant Major Fedorov with the consent of the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of Tov. Shahurina is temporarily translated to perform special commercials in combat operation in the Fighter Aviation of the Kalininsky Front. " The conflict was exhausted.

Within two months, the "penalty" group successfully worked at the front: hesitated the bells of enemy bombing, accompanied our bombers and attack aircraft, covered terrestrial troops from the air. The distinguished pilots were returned to their native shelves, and gradually the compound of Fedorov "melted". The remaining backbone of the best of the best General Gromov decided to transform into the regiment of Asov again with Ivan Evgrafovich headed. For some time, Fedorov flew along with her comrades, and then was appointed commander of the 256th air traffic.

The commander of the fines, Fedorov knocked down 15 and hit the 3 fascist aircraft, and despite these achievements, he was not presented to the award. On this fact, only in January 1944 he remembered the commander of the 6th Fighter Aviakorpus Colonel of tenants, signing a combat characteristic of the provision of Ivan Evugufovich to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But again the case intervened. Presentation suspended.

Until the end of the war, Ivan Evgrafovich was in the position of Deputy 269th Red Banner Division Colonel Dodonov. Many flew. He fought on planes of many brands. No matter how paradoxically, during the war, he was awarded only two orders: two domestic war of the 1st and 2nd degrees and Alexander Nevsky.

Already in 1945 he was presented for the training of pilots to the admirations of air combat to the Order of the Red Banner, but for some reason this reward did not reach her hero. The reason for such disfavor, most likely, should be sought in the relations of Ivan Evgrafovich with a higher authority, which Fedorov was very uncomfortable. Could fly to the combat task, despite the ban of the commander of the corps, could be involved in the "risky" air battle. "I have repeatedly demolished, deprived, kicked out, sazed under arrest. They considered a hooligan - in the air, and on earth. But, thank God, the wings were not deprived, "he recalled the hero.

As soon as the war ended, Fedorov returned to KB Lavochkina. In the world of aviation, the era of supersonic flights entered their rights. Flight speeds constantly grew, and soon scientists have encountered such a phenomenon as a sound barrier. In December 1948, Fedorov, in a pair with a pilot Sokolovsky, began storming the sound barrier. During the test, it turned out that Fedors on the jet planes of Lavochkina broke about three dozens of world records.

Once the main designer was called to Stalin. Semyon Alekseevich took with himself and Fedorova, as he knew that the leader could have questions about the behavior of a supersonic fighter in the air. Introducing Stalin with documents on La-176, Loveochkin presented his pilot: "This, Joseph Vissarionovich, our chef. He fought, testing our jet planes. " To the question - what does he want? "The designer replied:" To the pilot become a hero. " Three times, they mol, imagined everything without result. The leader promised to figure out.

So, in March 1948, with the "third approach", and then thanks to the petition of Loveochkina, Ivan Evgrafovich received a star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. And his combat path of Fedorov completed in the sky of Korea. Flying on mannere and fast MiG-15, he sent 7 American and South Korean aircraft to Earth.

According to A. Maltsev

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