"Pride and Prejudice" became the most romantic book according to Russians

"Pride and Prejudice" became the most romantic book according to Russians PRSPB

Especially for the day of all MYBOOK lovers, a survey conducted a survey among users, in order to find out what book they consider the most romantic and can say that literature influenced their idea of ​​love. More than 72% of Russians admitted that books largely formed their opinion on relationships, marriage and love.

The most romantic book respondents called the legendary Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice", more than 32% of respondents gave their voices for this book. In second place - the exciting epic Margaret Mitchell "Gone by the Wind" (24.6%), which is largely obliged to the popularity of the selection of 1939 with Vivien Lee and Clark Gablom in high roles.

Closes the top three romantic tale Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails" (21.8%). Next comes the novel of the modern English writer of Jodjo Moyes "See you with you" (19%), who, too, is obliged to the fame of the film, filmed by his motives, and "Jane Eir" Charlotte Bronte (18%). The Top-10 also includes a "memory diary" of Nicholas Sparks (17.4%), "P.S. I love you "Cecilia Ahern (16.7%)," Master and Margarita "Mikhail Bulgakov (16%)," Romeo and Juliet "William Shakespeare (15.8%) and" singing in the thorn "Colin McCallow (15%) .

Pride and Prejudice PRSPB

As for the most romantic writers, the first place was predictable by Jane Austin, for which more than 34% of Russians voted. Immediately behind her - Charlotte Bronte (19.4%). In third place - Alexander Pushkin (18.9%), at the fourth - William Shakespeare (18%), on the fifth - Mikhail Bulgakov (14%). Next comes Nicholas Sparks (13.8%), Margaret Mitchell (13.2%), Emily Bronte (11.2%), Eril Maria Remark (11%) and Alexander Green (10%).

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