Digest number 25. Future protests and resignation in the government. Main events of the week in Telegram

Digest number 25. Future protests and resignation in the government. Main events of the week in Telegram 3021_1
Digest number 25. Future protests and resignation in the government. Main events of the week in Telegram

The traditional, Friday digest of the main events of the week, prepared in conjunction with the author of the Telegram channel "somehow like that" by Anatoly Spirin, will tell about the main topics and phenomena that were discussed among the political channels of the messenger.

Future protests

The long "Navalny Agenda" is over, believes the channel "Large Transfer 2024": "After eliminating the threat coming from Alexei Navalny, it is time for administrators internal politics to engage in the upcoming elections in the State Duma." The "Evening Prophet" continues the topic: "Elimination of the Navalny, arrests of coordinators and the tough actions of the security forces sharply cooled the dust of protests."

Some channels hurried to summarize the political troubles. "Kremlin Shephun" expressed the opinion that "can be found in the confrontation of the Kremlin and supporters of Navalny's definite glasses as an AP and the" Navalnyat "."

In general, most channels were confident that protests would be discontinued. The project "Cass & Ra" said that "Navalny's comrades have already declared the cessation of protests until spring - apparently, expecting exacerbation from certain categories of citizens to increase their shares." Prolonged protests, according to the channel "Kremlin Mockingbird", "In the long run, undermine the authority of the government" - the budget expenditures on state accuracy and maintenance of the power apparatus have already begun to grow.

Telegram community began to ask regular questions about the ability of the vertical of the authorities to adequate and legitimate the situation

"Saltay-Babai" is interested in: "Does the Kremlin have an intention, in addition to the power mechanisms, use political tools?"

However, a long time to expect the restoration of opposition activity for a long time: a new protest campaution on February 14th, declared by Comanor of Navalny Leonid Volkov, was again caused by a flurry of discussions. The editor of the Federal Press "Andrei Gususi believes that" a sufficient number of people will not get to the streets to increase the protest, even with the condition that many will come out after arrest for previous rallies, and single pickets will not give the desired result. "

The action with the release of people to the courtyards with flashlights of the effect will not give, I am sure the channel "Politroh 2.0" - "Molding" protest in the yards, you can only demotivate it. " The channel "Upholstery" sees a more logical effect: "This statement means that the protest is tested to spring in online" to warm up the protest public before new large-scale shares.

The idea to shine lanterns in the courtyards on Valentine's Day does not shine creative, but the instantaneous reaction of the Kremlin in the face of Peskov adds this adolescent idea of ​​the points that she originally had no

political scientist

The "Stukach" project is more negative: "The new format of the Navalny promotion is already a bargaining passing into depression." The "municipal sandbox" announces the special inclusion of the Kremlin in the events: "I will not play the cat-mouse, with violation of the law of the perpetrators will punish."

Pursue people with lanterns in the yard? And the power and opposition in Russia stand each other ...

The problem of the internal political unit of the presidential administration is also the reluctance of the regions to help the "Center" in working with protests, notes the political analyst Roman Alekhin: "A number of regional teams at the expense of rallies and tried to get rid of uncomfortable representatives of the center in the field."

"Baiks from the Spasskaya Tower" conclude that "the most effective form to" drain protest "is a carnivalization of protest sentiment", and "it is obvious that the wolves grab a lot over the years of work at Navalny, and in the carnivalization of protests he is a very experienced specialist - from there and" flashlights ".

However, the main purpose of the harmless action becomes the necessary "picture" for social networks and TV. "Movement of forty fortifications", considering as an example of an action in Yekaterinburg, concludes that "the protest was won by the opposition largely due to the pictures and the information background, which they accompanied - so they need to simulate their pictures, and not laugh at that Wolves decided to shine lanterns. "

The head of the third force coalition, Igor Skurlatov gave his own insider about the future of protests: "It will be flash drives, including in the subway, with a runaway from the police at the first danger, and subsequently they promise rallies on the Internet."

"But the move, in any case, the people of Navalny are cooked," the New Century Channel assures.

Certain concerns of the continuation of protests appear and due to the departure of the wife of Navalny Julia to Germany. "That deer" recalls that "few people pointed that the Navalny family returned together, and the children actually left hostages," which creates a formal reason for the departure of Julia Navalny.

"Stratrus (Strategy of Russia)" is confident that "the flight of Yulia Navalny abroad is primarily associated with the fact that it is going to close the protest agenda - she realized that in Russia they would not give her." As a result, all the rumors and insides about the nomination of the opposition's wife were drowned to zero.

"State Duma 2021" notes: "The election campaign of Julia Navalny ended, never started," and the authors of the channel "Yuri Dolgoruky" are confident that "the wife of the revolutionary is, of course, it is cute, a certain image is created, but Navalny at the moment is not Enough subjectness. "

The Telegram community for a while agreed that the protest prospects are still unclear, and rumors and insides are too contradictory so that you can make a general idea.

Resigns in government

The discussion on the resignations of ministers began with the publication of the Nesulman channel, which "already tomorrow in the Government of the Russian Federation, an epochal permutation may occur, which will lead to significant changes in the country's economic policy," hinting at the departure of the Minister of Finance Siluanov.

Moscow Pool clarified that the head of the head of the Federal Tax Service Dmitry Egorov - "The conflict of Mishoustina and Siluanov could be replaced by the position of the Ministry of Finance about the allocation of funds to the state's initiatives, in addition, the silhouans" got "inheritance from the Government of Medvedev."

However, the resignation did not happen. According to the channel "Uzdorthar", "In defense of Siluanova, Medvedev and Security Council are opposed." Doubts in the early resignation also expressed the channel "Druid" - "The president will defiantly remain over the fight, and Mishoustin stands up before risk.

If he does not ruin the Siluanov, he will be perceived as indecisive and careful, and if it dismisses, it will take extra responsibility

However, prime and so enough increases its own political influence. The "image of the future" confidently says that the first number in the list of United Russia in the elections in the Duma will go tinsel, "which will allow the premiere to urge the necessary solutions.

"Surprisingly, the fact: Mikhail Mishustin turned out to be the first head of the Russian government who personally visited Kalmykia! After all the blitz visits in the regions, the Rating of Mishoustina is tangible grows, "says" Sibiryak ".

Other "retirements" were expected: the head of the economic development of Maxim Reshetnikov was "accounted for". During the performance of the Minister at the "Government Hour" Speaker of the Duma "Volodin suddenly decided to remind the government that ministers now claims the State Duma," the Channel "Ask Rasul" said.

The channel "Duma Live" company informs: "Reshetnikov, apparently, it is also time to write 3 envelopes," hinting for resignation.

It's funny to see how the State Duma speaker is trying to pretend that the Parliament (and he personally) has some independence and subjectivity. Everyone is understood by the place of the State Duma


The project "Alibabaich" noticed that "In the chair of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, the reshetnikov" holds "only personal guarantee" Sobyanin before the President "- the hardware is considered that the Minister Mr. Reshetnikov became due to communication with the mayor of Moscow.

However, the State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov in his channel "We think" cooled the dust of insiders, clarifying that the minister in the speech "looked quite adequate, unlike helpless Oreshkina."

The Kremlin Baughty Channel was put on the agenda of Inside that "the head of the department Dmitry Patrushev and his first deputy Jambulat Hatov and his first deputy Jambulat Hatuov were almost simultaneously left at the Ministry of Agriculture. "If the disease is not, then, preparing for the audience at the president?" - By launching a small discussion about the resignation of Dmitry Patrushev.

The agenda of future personnel permutations in the government still seems rather artificially initiated in the messenger - including due to the fatigue of the Telegram channels from the discussion of the actions of the non-systemic opposition.

Digest author: Anatoly Spirin

Creator, chief editor of the Telegram channel "Once here so"

Photo: Getty Images duma.gov.ru

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