Love Story: Kurt Russell and Goldi Houne



Goldi Houne and Kurt Russell met on the shooting of the Disney film "One-only genuinely original family orchestra" in 1966. "I was 21 years old, and he was 16," he remembered Hone in an interview with BBC Radio 4. "He was charming, but too Young for a relationship. Then, years later, we crossed again, and I remembered that I really liked him at the first meeting. Each of us then firmly decided that he would never connect his life with the actor. However, this situation clearly shows that nothing can probably be known. "

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Previous relations

Their paths again crossed in 1983 (after 16 years) on the shooting platform "Replaces", then between them, feelings broke out.

"I had a strong hangover (in the evening before I met in a bar with my father, with whom we could not drink a little). We sat up to four in the morning. Arriving on the sample, I saw Goldi. I did not know her at all, except that he worked with her many years ago. The first thing I said is: "Wow, you have a great figure." It came out spontaneously, and everything could go wrong, but she turned to me and thanked for a compliment, "Kurt recalled.

Before the fateful meeting, each of them had a saturated personal life. From 1969 to 1976, Goldi Houn was married to the actor Gas Trikonis, then married the musician Bill Hudson, from which she had two children: Oliver and Kate. This union lasted six years. Kurt Russell was married to actress Sure Hubli (from 1979 to 1983). They have a son Boston.

Family values

At the time when Houn began to meet with Russell, she had already brought up two children - Kate and Oliver Hadson. The actress said that it was the attitude of Russell to her children so conquered her. "What really struck me is what I watched my children when they came to him on the set. He was so natural when communicating with them. "

Kate Hudson spoke many times about how Russell, whom she calls PA, became her a real father. Her biological father Bill Hudson divorced Goldi Houne in 1980 and did not communicate with his family for a long time.

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Birth of a common child

For a long time, the couple hid her relationship. About the novel between actors spoke only in 1986, when they were filmed together in the legendary film Harry Marshall "overboard". "In my picture you will play a couple in love. So we at least hint Hollywood that you have! " - noted the director.

Although Houne said that she did not watch his own films, in an interview with James Cordenna, she admitted that somehow once accidentally came to show a cult comedy and did not regret it: "It happens, you forget why you fell in love. So after watching this film, I remembered why I chose Kurt. "

On July 10, 1986, the son was born the son of Wayatt, who, just like his brother Oliver and Sister Kate, became an actor (he starred the film "Jump Street, 22", which was released in 2014).

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Comic wedding ceremony

Couple has always opposed the official registration of marriage. They are confident that precisely because of the lack of a stamp in the passport, their relationship is so strong.

In 1989, at the Oscar's presentation ceremony, they staged a small show - played the scene, as if Russell was going to make the bride's proposal of the hand and hearts live. However, instead of standing on one knee, he immediately suggested "talking about it later, and then it is necessary to announce the nominees."

"While we are committed to each other, we are honest with each other and live in love, everything is in order. We brilliantly brought up our children, they are wonderful people. We did a great job, and we did not have to marry to do it. I like to wake up every day and see what he is, and know that I have a choice, "Goldi said.

"I believe that one person can not carry all the wear on himself, because then he begins to get tired. Another secret of strong relationships is to stay sexual. In healthy, long-term relationships, it is necessary to spend about 68% of the time, not more, "she added.

"I don't think that we are different from the Goldie from any other pair. We are faced with the same problems. There are ups and downs. I think that for 35 years you will experience all the emotions that can be "," explained Russell his decision in a recent interview with People.

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In May 2017, the legendary actors received not alone, but at once two stars in the Hollywood Alley of Fame. They kissed during the ceremony and behaved like a couple of adolescents in love.

Promoting the film Netflix "Christmas Chronicles" in 2018, Kurt explained that for him and Goldi family is always more important career: "We perfectly understood what would happen if we both continue to take off. Money is great, but I refuse some suggestions to pay the time to my own. " Sometimes spouses try to choose common projects to not be separated even at work. So, one of the last joint films was the picture "Christmas Chronicles". Russell played in her Santa Claus, and Houne - Mrs. Claus.

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