Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building, "Babi boom" and inertia statistics


Mom three children says: in the younger group of kindergarten, where the local education department determined her son, on the list - 90 children. At the same time, there are no vacant seats in other kindergartens, and she has to carry the baby in the opposite end of the city, from the place of permanent registration and residence, from the school in which the older children study, and where there are also a crowded kindergarten. Woman with undisguised pleasure reports that because of the pandemic, half of the children visits! ..

Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building,

It is strange to hear that a dangerous infection may be blessing, but to present a group of kids in full with one educator and nanny - a much more incredible picture. Why in the region, where 3-5 children in the family - the norm, and even with the existing state fertility support, everything is not thought out and not prepared? Let's try to figure it out.

"Who builds so? .."

Remember the plot from the Fairy Tale of "Wizards", where a trip, wandering along the corridors of the Research Institute in an attempt to find a way out, then in despair pronounced the phrase "Well, who builds so much?" So, this plot today really was embodied in modern new buildings. True, not from the point of view of architectural solutions, but from the point of view of thoughtful urban planning planning.

It seems that all is well: a new microdistrict in the city, a new school with a kindergarten for 1000 places - to live yes to rejoice. But the promised training in one shift is replaced by training in 2 shifts, the kindergarten is full, and residential buildings around continue to grow like mushrooms after the rain, increasing the influx of people - young families with children, which, of course, need places in school and children's Garden.

Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building,

It is no secret that every young family dreams of its own housing, and implements his dreams at the expense of the mortgage, including with the involvement of maternal capital. It was previously the apartment for young professionals and large families were distributed on the principle of strict accounting and reporting. Therefore, each district administration could quickly and easily check all children - through the streets and quarters, determine how many schools and kindergartens need. Capitalistic way "released in free swimming" Decision of housing issues, housing construction, and therefore learn how many children and what age will settle in a particular microdistrict, has become problematic.

The developer who won the tender for the construction of residential buildings, to be honest, is still enough places in schools and kindergartens. Of course, the construction company has a mandatory minimum on creating social infrastructure. But it is only before passing the object into operation, and then - "Although the grass does not grow."

Yes, and there is no authority at the construction company to determine the percentage of newly seals - preschoolers, schoolchildren, etc. And the general statistics on the demographic situation in a separate settlement is little informative for promising planning and construction of such necessary objects, both schools, kindergartens and other buildings and sites for the development of the younger generation.

Who will consider children?

It is clear that the national project "demography" already brings positive results in separate regions (even against the background of the general decline in the birth rate due to the crisis of the 90s). In the rating of natural growth leading:

  • Ingushetia - 5.5%;
  • Sevastopol - 4.8%;
  • Leningrad region - 4.7%;
  • Chechen Republic - 4.5%;
  • Tyumen region - 4%;
  • Moscow region - 3.6%.

In addition to these regions, population growth is celebrated in 26 regions. Moreover, not only due to the birth rate, but also due to migration (and among migrants are not only children). The influx of the population is also due to the positive dynamics of the economic development of the region, national and confessional factors. But the number of future schoolchildren on individual settlements, not already mentioning the neighborhoods, on the basis of these data it is difficult to calculate.

Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building,

Of course, Rosstat has more specific indicators. For example, according to statistics in the last 2 years:

  • 41.6 thousand small Muscovites were born in Moscow, and 257.3 thousand migrants were moved to the capital (including families with children);
  • In St. Petersburg, 10.1 thousand Russians appeared, the influx of migrants - 106.8 thousand;
  • Tyumen region - 12.9 and 46.9 thousand people, respectively, etc.

That is, the numbers from which can be pushing to calculate the more accurate number of children's places exist. And, if desired, local municipal authorities may and are obliged to keep records of children for which it is necessary to create places within a specific territory, and even plan personnel resources of pedagogical workers in binding to the area.

Only in fact it turns out not as much as I would like, and difficulties in determining the child in kindergarten and school arise hardly from the moment of his birth.

There are several reasons, and all of them are objective:

  • Neither the Department of Education, nor the local administration may not affect the designations of children's preschool institutions developed back in 1989, clearly lagging on the requirements of time and the current demographic situation.

For those years, the NORMU has been normal - 70 seats per 1000 people in a particular microdistrict. We emphasize that these were common typical projects for residential neighborhoods of small floors, and in the 90s of the family with 2 children were rare, and with three and more - a huge luxury in the context of the global crisis, the collapse of the state and a number of economic problems. A typical family in those years - Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandfather and childless neighbors per child.

30 years have passed, and today we live in a country with the capitalist system. And the requirements for the construction of socially significant facilities remained the same, and the school director for 1000 seats according to the law is obliged to place all children on the fixed area, when already 3-5 children in the family - the norm.

  • It would be possible to make a claim to construction companies, but only they can change little: if the school does not correspond to SNiP on 2.08.02-89, approved by the USSR State Building, then do not see them the Act of Genril and Profit, as their ears. The main interest of the developer is the speedy object of the object, with minimal test costs. And how many children will live in the new microdistrict, it does not interest him. So schools and kindergartens are built on the standards of 1989 surrounded by modern residential heights. Among the height, where only in one house can live more than 500 families with children, and in this case the school per 1000 seats is needed for every 2-3 houses, and not for 7-10 24-storey buildings.
  • Parents, according to Art. 67, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", have the right to choose not only the place of study of the child, but also the teachers. In fact, it turns out that someone managed to take advantage of the right and chose school and / or kindergarten for his children, and the family living in step accessibility from the children's institution in his neighborhood, you have to wake the children before a couple of hours to "hour Peak »Have time to take them to the next area, and not always - along the way to work.
Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building,

Somewhere at the interdepartmental level there was a failure of the system due to inconsistencies. Yes, the national project "Demography" turned out to be very successful and seriously stimulated the growth rate of the population. But the developers of this project probably forgot that in addition to the emergence of new citizens, thanks to the measures taken by additional material support, it is necessary and ensuring their sufficient conditions for training.

It is unlikely that the child who woke up in the morning an hour earlier and overcoming the morning "Charging in transport" with his parents, will be attentive and focused on the lessons

It is no less important that parents are confident that after the birth of a child, it will be possible without additional quests, to determine it into kindergarten and school to quietly go to work. It is necessary that Mom will send a child to a group where the list is not 90 people, and not more than 20, as registered in paragraph 1.9. Sanpin 2.4.3049-13, as well as in Article 159 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (about the standardization of labor). It is necessary that modern mothers of preschoolers cease to rejoice at the epidemic, "thanks" to which their children in kindergarten will be paid due attention from the tutor.

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