Errors that you often perform using a kitchen stove


The life of a modern woman has facilitated all sorts of household appliances many times. What is just a kitchen stove, which allows you to pretty quickly cook delicious food. No longer need to dry the fire, heat the oven or perform other complex manipulations to feed the family.

Unfortunately, despite the age of progress and fashionable technology, not everyone knows how to use the stove correctly. It seems to you that it is stupid and impossible? Alas, it is pure truth, and many dishes do not work out of the fault of a bad recipe, but because of the irregular operation of the kitchen plate.

We studied the widespread errors that you perform while cook dinner on the stove. Carefully examine them and from now on do everything according to the rules. Let on your table there will be only the most delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners!

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Go to Extremes

It is important to be able to masterly handle the stove and change the temperature regime on time. So, at the final stages of cooking dishes from eggs, you can safely reduce the fire so that they are "reached."

With meat, first it is better to turn on strong fire so that it is pretty twisted and covered with a crust, and then reduce it to the medium-strong and continue to cook, seeking the perfect degree of fire inside.

Remember: and weak, and strong fire are good only in specific cases. Always think that you will cook not spoil food.

Bad warm dishes

No simple way to spoil food than to cook it in a badly warm frying pan. Of course, in the modern world, we appreciate every free minute, but are it really worth the unnecessary 5 minutes of spoiled dinner?

Start overwhelling the pan while you prepare products to heat treatment. This will help save a little time if this question is really fundamental for you, but in no case prepare on an unheated pan.

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Put cold food on fire

And you happened that outside the meat was perfectly roasted, and inside it turned out to be raw? Do not rush to scold a plate or frying pan. Maybe you just have improperly prepared the product to frying?

The meat should lie at room temperature from 15 minutes to 1 hour before it is found on the stove. If you are going to cook frozen meat, it follows it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and then hold a little at room temperature.

If you ignore this simple advice, you can get a raw steak for dinner.

Often turn over and stir

When we find ourselves at the slab, some unknown force does not allow us to just stand in one place, not to fly vigorously with a spatula. Indeed, there is something magical in it, when the vegetables are "dancing" in the pan every 15 seconds. So long and chef feel yourself. True, there are nuances here.

If it's too often to stir food, then it may not be twisted properly. As a result, dinner will not work as tasty and appetizing, as you would like. If the recipe does not specify that you must interfere with the food with enviable regularity, then put the shovel aside.

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Overload dishes

Food will not be delicious if you cook it in overloaded dishes. Always know the measure and do not try to save time, because you will need to inevitably sacrifice the quality and taste of food.

Try to fry food in one layer, leaving a few free space to make the ability to mix or turn over. This is especially true if you want the ingredients in a frying pan have been enjoyed.

You do not have a big frying pan? Divide the cooking process into several steps. It is much better than trying to cook everything at a time.

Use irregular oil

Not all kinds of oil are suitable for heat treatment. Sunflower and creamy are considered the most common options.

Frying on high-quality olive or coconut butter food is not worth it, save it to refuel useful and nutrient salads or snacks. Of course, if you only need a small amount of oil, you can safely use these options. Otherwise, it is better to replace them on the oil of grape bones or rice bran.

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Cook in irregular dishes

As a rule, if there is no tableware in the house suitable for a particular dish, we do not refuse the conceived and trying to cook dinner in what is in stock. This is one of the main mistakes. Of course, at first glance it may seem that the big role of the dishes does not play, but it does not work in vain.

In your arsenal there should be a cast iron frying pan, a deep pan, a frying pan with a non-stick coating, a pancake frying pan (for pancake lovers). Soues and soups prepare in saucepans and skewers, fry potatoes and meat in a cast-iron frying pan, and eggs prepare in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Delegate the stove all work

The stove is your assistant in the kitchen. Unfortunately, she cannot do all the work for you and cook perfect dinner on your own, but if you know the features of your technology and secrets of cooking a dish, you can easily make a delicious dinner. Your stove will help you with this, facilitating the process many times.

Do not drive yourself into the framework and use the possibilities of your kitchen to the maximum. Here is a small example: in order for fish, meat or seafood to be covered with a pleasant crispy crust, you should briefly put them in the oven after frying in a pan.

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