Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_1
Pedestrian bridge over Belsky Lake in Bronnitsy Photo:

This article invites you to full "discoveries of wonderful" journey through small cities, manads and villages. It seems such humble and low, they are famous for the whole world thanks to the geniuses, they live in them, are glorious with their great history, decorated with ancient temples and cathedrals. His "raisins" and beauty, their secrets and secrets there are in each of the places of the Russian depths ... You will learn a lot about her new!

What are the famous Bronnitsy? The city is small, melodic, calm, classically provincial, despite the proximity of the metropolis. Here two centuries are already supporting the low bronthy sky one of the highest bells of the Moscow region, which could be even higher, as the architect thought, but ... there was a time when it was impossible to build the buildings above Ivan the Great ...

This is a city from which immediately after the revolution, an angel flew away during the creation of churches. Now the angel returned ...

And the journey continues!

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_2
Kremlin in Kolomna photo:

Kolomna - lace history, lace time, lace life, city of domes, city of carved gates, city legends and legends ... They say it is the most beautiful province of Russia! Ancient Kolomna must be visited in order to touch the past and donate from the fuss ...

Do you know that the origin of the city name has more than 20 scientific and not very scientific versions? For example, Karamzin believed that in the XII century, this lands settled the Italian family under the name Colonna, which also called the terrain in honor of himself. It is not clear, however, what winds in the XII century to the corner of the Moscow region brought Italian family, but the column on the coat of arms is Kolomna.

And why is the highest tower of Kolomna Kremlin called Marinkina? According to one of the legends, Marina Mnishek, Polish beauty and adventure student died and died here. There is another legend that Marina turned to Soroki and spoiled from the narrow window of the tower. Or maybe there was no Mnichka here? .. But the name gothes.

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_3
Marinkina Kolomna Kremlin Tower Photo:

Meeting guests in Kolomna are not accepted by bread-salt, but apple rubbish. Be sure to buy this famous Kolomna Paxtil - loose, whiten, sugar, honey, "Mamurovaya" ... You knew that she was initially walked - just a way to keep the harvest of apples? Or why in the year before last married you would get out of girls with bad teeth? The answer is simple: bad teeth means it eats a lot of sweet, and eats a lot of sweet - it means from a rich family. Sugar at that time cost expensive ...

But do not be afraid to spoil your teeth Kolomenskaya grazing! First, the Fastille should be only on holidays, and, secondly, the most ancient, honey grazing, is preparing at all without sugar, only on honey. And, of course, do not even compare Kolomna Fastil with that white that is sold in our stores. Sky and earth!

And say "goodbye" kolomna, the city on the Oka, which is called the belt of the Blessed Virgin ...

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_4
S. Konstantinovo, a school in which S. Yesenin studied:

The next stop in the place where the great poet could not be born. Village Konstantinovo. The most Russian and, probably, the most beloved poet of Russia - Sergey Yesenin. Bescurability of nature, spacious shores all the same Oka, live breath of history, bunches of Ryabina at the shoulder ...

To understand the poet, you need to visit His childhood in the country, someone said great. The Childhood Country of Yesenin admires its natural beauty and wealth - it seems that here, in the seclifier of Russia, it is concentrated here in a seclifier corner of Ryazanchina.

Wait on the high bank of the Oka, look at the distance - you will have a heart with admiration and the poems will be remembered from the school program: "Go, my own ...". Why here, why not Yesenin was born in this village - "Naughty Gulika", hooligan and - genius? ..

Hooligan with a children's nickname "Sergo Monk" ... "Naughty Gulka" with a defenseless heart ... a genius, about which there is a huge number of legends and non-pieces ... "I have one fun, my fingers and a fun whistle ..." - wrote Yesenin, and at the first opportunity , scraping gifts, rushed here, where he met Mama "In the old-fashioned Old Shushun".

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_5
S. Konstantinovo, Oku view Photo:

Being a poet in the peasant family is hard. No wonder, many fellow villagers called Sergey "Tunes" and "Robber" - of course, he did not work, did not cultivate the land, he did not care for the cattle, but was always with money. Father spoke about him: "He is not like us. He knows who he knows ... "If you could know His fellow villagers, that this is this" TUNYAD "glorify their village ...

Thank you, "Country of Birch Sitz".

Evening Ryazan! Ryazan Kremlin with his temples that will repent you with their power and beauty, unusual architectural details ... The dome of these temples as if they float against the dark sky. Floating how the magic swans, which arrived from the depths of the centuries and frozen on the shore of the river of the same name ...

Traveling around Russia. Where are you willingly married girls with bad teeth?: Bronnitsy, Kolomna, Konstantinovo, Ryazan 2975_6
Ryazan Kremlin photo:

This trip will be remembered for you. Will be remembered by its sincerity, provincial leisureness, middle-Russian beauty and, of course, amazingly interesting "way" stories ...

Author - Ilya Cristul

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