5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers


Double in retrostile from former communal

The owner of the apartment is a novice designer of Dasha interior - redesigned a former communal in Stalinke and thought out an incredibly bright interior. "Style I call Stalin's fusion is a bright mescan of everything and immediately. I tried to combine different colors and furniture from different eras, "the owner of the apartment shares. Of the interesting details - an antique mirror with carved legs in the hallway from St. Petersburg, a vintage wooden buffet from Dagestan and openwork tulle from the 60s in the kitchen.

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5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers 2964_1

The apartment made global redevelopment, the toilet and the bathroom changed places, replaced radiators and even strengthened the ceiling. Despite this, Dasha managed to meet the budget - two million rubles. Save it turned on furniture. For example, the housing of the bed, the hostess of the apartment made from the old entrance door, and the worker was welded for the bathroom.

Apartment in the spirit of the Soviet era

The owner of this digestion is a teacher of photographs Alexey Sokolov - from the very beginning I wanted to focus on the rich past apartment. Therefore, immediately refused redevelopment and retained windows, doors, parquet and stucco. In the main interior, Alexey thought out himself, but Mom helped with the design of the kitchen.

There is no extra subject in the apartment, every detail of Alexey thought out. The main jewel of the apartment is in addition to the beautiful forged balcony with wooden railing - these are vintage furniture and furniture of decor from the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, those who are collected by flea markets.

5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers 2964_2

When Alexey acquired an apartment, he immediately thought about housing insurance. "Earlier, I never dealt with this issue, but now I decided to keep all the most important. To protect your home, I chose a catering policy. Polis protects from the bay, fire, emergency situations and other risks.

When you make insurance, determine the insurance amount on what is more worried about: to your new repair, furniture and household appliances. It is especially convenient that there is no inspection of property for design. The policy itself is easy to arrange in the application of Sberbank online, "says the owner of the apartment.

Apartment in mustard turquoise tones with IKEA furniture

It was difficult to find the desired layout of the wedding photographer Natalia and her husband was difficult, so they decided to buy a "killed" apartment without bearing walls to do everything on their own way. As a result, the pair changed absolutely all - windows, gender, batteries. And most importantly - united the living room and the kitchen, as the owner of the apartment dreamed.

Spouses tried to do everything themselves to the maximum. For example, the repair did the head of the family together with the workers, and Natalia came up with the design, inspiring Scandinavian interiors - from here white walls and furniture. With this approach, the pair was put on only 1 million rubles.

5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers 2964_3

When the guys choose an apartment, they had to turn to the real estate, because it was difficult to figure out himself, but I wanted everything to be correctly by documents. It turned out that the service Domklik from Sberril helps with such a difficult issue.

It initially contains a base of ads from proven owners and agencies. "And the Domklik will check the apartment and give his assessment whether it is possible to buy it and are there any risks. So you definitely do not bloom on the scam, "says the owner of the apartment.

Double with arches and blue corridor

The hostess of this apartment Anna from an empty concrete box with two supporting columns in the middle independently made an apartment of his dreams. He thought out the layout, the interior and all this was embodied. Now the apartment has a spacious bathroom, a spacious dressing room, a bedroom, a children's and a kitchen. But the main achievement of Anna considers the incredible beauty of the floors and the hallway of extravagant blue.

5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers 2964_4

But without blunders it did not cost. "Initially, we used another paint in the hallway," says Anna, "the paint of an unknown brand, which familiar gave me. It was terrible! The paint fell badly, looked slightly, washing the dirt from her surface. " Anna decided to repaint all the halls, and this time everything turned out.

Stylish Eurverter with furniture in sketches of the hostess

The owners of this apartment Anna with her husband from a typical panel made a European apartment. Housing was issued in the style of Mid-Century. And many interior items were created according to the sketches of the owner of the apartment. "I came up with myself and asked the masters to do in a sketch," says Anya.

5 apartments with budget repairs that look like with covers 2964_5

The most interesting zone in the apartment is a kitchen. Furniture arrangement is uncharacter for typical panel. The zone with the sink and dishwasher was separated from the overall working area. Such a decision made it possible to put the dining table opposite the balcony, and not in the passage.

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