How scammers create clone pages in Instagram to "catch up" on someone else's name


People are creative not only many fans - there are those who do not mind earn money on someone else's name. The Belarusian sculptor artist stumbled upon his twin in "Instagram".

Fake publishes her work, requires prepayment, and after instead of the promised products blocks dissatisfied customers. The situation came too far, reports the TV channel "ONT".

In the hands of Daria, polymer clay is literally transformed: Minskanka sculpts bas-relief portraits and cartoon figurines. One small figurine leaves from week to month. She turned his hobby into business - earned every penny, in the literal sense, with their own hands. But it seems that Darya decided to earn someone else.

On the page in the popular social network, it will easily find out your own work. And even comments seem to be written by her hand. Only now this page of Minskanka did not create. Someone has tried. And this is done by the author of the fake page not for love for the work of Daria. Here are details for payment. Any order promises to fulfill for 3 days. But the promised, as you know, are waiting for 3 years. Here is a correspondence with those who betrayed themselves for Daria: he is confused, writes about himself in male genus, besides, the knowledge of Russian is not necessarily for deception. Those who succumb to advertising remain without money and figurines. As a result, deceived people fall asleep with angry messages a real gift.

After complaints about the technical support, the clone page was blocked, but fake accounts continue to appear. Creative people like Daria remain defenseless before fraudster, because they themselves publish the photo in the open access.

Ekaterina Yantikova, Head of the Department of the National Center for Intellectual Property: "The most important thing is to find a violator, which is encrypted, that is, to determine the IP address of this person or this group of persons, it represents the greatest difficulty."

This enjoy the attackers, inventing all new tricks. For example, draws with valuable prizes from someone else's name. Modern technologies allow you to use recognizable individuals or changing voices.

How scammers create clone pages in Instagram to

Of course, in the social networks of fraudsters such information is not found. But if you really want to buy something, experts advise pay attention to the signs of a fake online store. To begin with, a name: as a rule, buyers do not notice that there is no official name in the profile in the header. In addition, dear companies are not subscribed to all in a row. A wrapping should have a different design of premises in the photo, text with a bunch of errors or typos and suspiciously advantageous offers.

Fraud on the Internet or social networks is no different from the fact that in real life. And the responsibility is the same: depending on various factors - up to ten years in prison. In the hope of finding your "twin" Daria does not sit back and has already written a statement to the police. In the meantime, between the creation of new images from clay, it is forced to respond to deceived users and protect their good name.

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