Billy Alish told about friendship with biber, dog from shelter and family


This girl has become popular two years ago. 19-year-old singer Billy Isilish decorated the pages of popular abroad Vanity Fair edition. The number with the artist's frames will come in March 2021.

Within the framework of the shooting and interviews, Billy has told how quarantine and pandemic conditions affected its productivity.

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"I really had the biggest number of weekends over the past five years, but I could not create what I created without this period of time." Billy shared that now they work with his brother over sixteen new tracks. Looks like it's very soon Waiting for a new album! "," she says.

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Alisha admitted that it was now in full harmony with her and his work: "I feel that I know myself better. I learned to communicate and express my thoughts. New music on which I work now, according to my feelings, just such, What I wanted. There is no song or part of the song that I would like to change. "

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Billy noted that the period began for she, when she was ready to embody his dream, namely, to make his first tattoo - as she wanted, in such a place where no one would see her. But Lamborghini Billy decided to leave only a dream: "Not that I could not allow him to afford. It just had much more important things and people who needed these money."

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In addition to Billy, he made a good deed and at the beginning of Quarantine took a puppy-pit bull from the shelter, giving him a chicken nickname.

In the past 2020, Billy met people with whom he was very sfed, for example, with Justin Biber. She boldly appeals to support: "At the end of last year, I had a real personality crisis. During one of the speeches, I felt that I only pretend to Billy Isilish. I had a complete feeling that I was just a parody of myself . We just talked about how much we had crazy life and other things. I like how Ariana looks at things. These are people, the support of which I really feel. Even Catty Perry said that I can contact her at any time to talk . It is very important for me. Healthy listen to those who passed through it all knows what it is. They were on the bottom, and on top. But at the same time it does not matter how many people support you and how many of them were held Similar, because nothing happens twice, "says the singer.

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The most intention to this day for Billy remains the well-being of his family.

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True, she confesses that he did not expect to find himself by 18 years: "I try to different lifestyle, styles, personalities and hairstyles, clothes, shoes. I just try everything, because I am a growing girl."

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