Another championship is transferred from Minsk

Another championship is transferred from Minsk 2949_1

The Championship of the World Pentaboth will be transferred from Minsk due to the unstable situation in Belarus. In the international alliance of the modern pentathlon will soon be announced by the new location. World Cup is scheduled to be held from 7 to 13 June. The Executive Board of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon (UIPM) voted for the transfer of the championship in Minsk, which is scheduled for June 2021. Speaking about the reasons for delay, President Uipm Dr. Claus Shormann said:

- The UIPM Executive Board carefully followed the development of events in Belarus in recent months and estimated the viability of the UIPM 2021 World Championship in five-closed, which was planned to be held in Minsk. Sanctions introduced by the International Olympic Committee regarding the National Olympic Committee of Belarus in December 2020 were noted, "he said.

According to him, throughout this process, UIPM has supported close contact with the Belarusian Federation of modern pentathlon, so it was important that a decision was made, "which will protect this solid partnership and the future development of our sport in Belarus."

- The Executive Committee reviewed the situation this week and first of all declared his complete confidence that the local organizing committee would be able to hold a competition of the highest quality in the beautiful city of Minsk at the right time, - it was said on the site of the Union.

After a detailed discussion, the Executive Committee voted for the transfer of the World Championship in Pentathlon in Minsk to a later date, "due to the growing concern that the current instability in the host country may jeopardize the success of the competition",

- there was a special concern that many competing countries would not want to go to Belarus at this time, and members of the Executive Board wanted to defend the fairness of the competition and the Olympic qualifications process, without adding pressure to the already difficult circumstances due to the coronavirus pandemic, the President said Union.

Earlier, Minsk lost the right to hold the World Hockey Championship in 2021. Such was the decision of the Council of the International Hockey Federation. Official reason - security issues.

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