Where to invest small amounts of money

Where to invest small amounts of money 2916_1

Many dream of providing themselves with a particular passive source of income. In such a way that could not fully ensure a comfortable existence, but at least give some additional amount to the salary at the main place of work.

This possibility may well give the securities market, if you act correctly and avoid those errors that most often make novice investors. Let's try to figure out where to invest small amounts of money.

How much can you earn?

The most burning question: how much can you earn money on a small amount? Unfortunately, you will have to immediately destroy some illusions. Having invested a hundred rubles, it is impossible to receive one hundred dollars every day every day. And this is the biggest mistake of novice investors - to expect too much. More than the stock market can actually give.In the world of finances, always and everywhere there is an immutable rule: the higher the yield, the greater the level of risk. Moreover, the final and clear boundary between investments and gaming does not exist. It is impossible to say that this is trade in currencies with shoulder, and here is already a frank casino. The fact is that if there is too high percentage, if there is hope to make a profit above reasonable, then this is accurate or game, or deception, or both together.

In fact, in the stock market, you can and need to earn 5 with a plus percent in the currency. Sometimes the portfolio will "shoot" and give much more, say, up to 30 percent. It is better to recognize honestly: it is rather an accident and luck. But the main thing is that he never "asked" more than the same 5%, otherwise it is late or early an investor will remain without money.

How much you need to invest

You can start investment from a completely small amount. Suppose it will not allow to live without well, but every road begins with the first step. In any case, the first transactions must be taken with the amounts that are not so scary.

In addition, there is such an interesting investment strategy: not to invest a lot at once, all that is still plus everything you can take from a broker, as some gambling traders do. On the contrary, quite conservative, every time there is such an opportunity, little by little to replenish your portfolio. Let's say, getting a salary, to spend ten percent of it not to spend the evening in the restaurant, but to buy a very small "bag" of securities.

This approach made many people in the Western world very rich in the end. And not surprising. Whatever happened to the quotes from day to day on the stock exchange, in the end the country's economy is developing, and in the end, over the decades, the shares of the largest companies are becoming more expensive. In such a portfolio of paper purchased - at different prices, average for many years. Due to this, they almost certainly turn out to be more expensive in the future.

Choose markets

The optimal market for experiments for small amounts of money is likely to be stocks, and so-called blue chips. Why is that? Just compare them with other tools.

Alternatives, by and large, only three, by the number of other sections of the Moscow Exchange.

  • Currency market. But this is in its pure form the ratio of interest rates, plus the influence of political factors. In itself, the ownership of the currency does not carry any profits: for example, the dollar is the dollar. If someone bought dollars, and in a year they sold them back for rubles, even with a big plus, he still did not work anyway, simply did not lose at the decline of the course. And a pure purchase within a day to quickly sell, if you're lucky, and the quotation will grow - it is rather a gambling game to speak, and not investment.
  • Another option is corporate bonds. Indeed, good and necessary tool, but not for small amounts. Invested, for example, a thousand rubles, it is usually so much worth one paper, in a year an investor will receive 50 rubles a profit from which almost all incomes will block inflation, but if not - everything that he will earn - this is money for one trip to the subway!
  • Derived securities. This section is quite specific. It is designed for professional speculators traders, which mostly lose money there, and hedgers, those who insure their financial markets covering real positions by futures contracts. In general, this is clearly not the market for beginners.

Only the stock section remains, stock market. Moreover, the choice is better to stop at least for a start, on the most liquid ones, if only because they can be sold at any time, if something goes wrong.

What broker to work

With small amounts, the most important thing is to find a broker with a minimum commission. Because professional participants in the securities market for their services take money always - regardless of whether in a plus client or minus. The big commission will simply eat the already small capital. And no additional services, by and large, are not needed, you need to learn from the very beginning to take responsibility and take investment solutions yourself.

There are a lot of brokers, and they all compete with each other. Among them, in Russia, as in the West, specialization begins to develop, brokers discounters appear. Such have always been the Finam, Aton and Others. Nowadays, Tinkoff is trying to show himself in this niche, but the first-level commission is 0.2%, no matter what they say seems high. It is always worth check-with the full cost of service. Are there any additional payments for reissuing securities, access to the information system, and so on.

A special moment is monthly payments. With small amounts, it is better to avoid brokers offering to pay some minimum per month. It is very easy to check, "pulls" or no customer services of a particular organization. It is necessary to take the cost of the month, multiply twelve to get the price of annual service. Then the result obtained is divided into the cost of the portfolio and multiply a hundred percent.

For example, a broker asks for only 100 rubles. We multiply on 12 and get 1200 rubles per year. At the same time, the first portfolio of the investor is worth, say, 10 thousand rubles. Total 1200 divided into 10,000 and multiply 100% equal to 12%. Is there a lot or a little? Yes, it is unreal! Imagine that the investor for the year earned 5% per annum. Of them gave 12% and left with a loss of 7%. It is impossible, you should not - pay extra money for the right to come to work! ..

Even one percent of capital per year is quite expensive. In general, the Commission for the operations performed, only if there are transactions, should in today's ratio of supply and demand be somewhere below the level of 0.1 percent. Do not suit the conditions of this broker - we go to another.

We gain experience

If you put small amounts of money, it will not work out a lot of things. Money on the stock market go to the money, however, as everywhere. But on these small money - you can learn very and very much. And grow with your portfolio. In order to make a profit on the investment market, it is vital to learn to understand some things.
  • First of all, to understand the macroeconomics. For this it would be very good if it was not previously brought before, take and read a good tutorial. It is extremely important for the investor to understand what is happening and be able to build the right forecasts. However, it is not bad to do any person for a better life, not only an investor.
  • It is necessary to understand the reporting of companies in their financial results. In this regard, those who have accounting or entrepreneurial experience are in some plus in advance. The rest will have little to master this topic.
  • And at the end, most importantly, it is necessary to develop logical thinking skills. What happens if there is something and that? For example, Coronavirus caused the closure of the borders, it affected the tourism industry, if she did not die, then fell asleep. What's next? The fall of the shares of airlines. And where do people feed, what firms will they give their money if you can't go to a restaurant or cinema? Clause pizza, will visit online shopping sites? Buy and watch the movie at home?

And what will happen to the market when the pandemic is late or early? Will the Boeing quotes get used to the aircraft stagnant on earth? .. and so on. All this is investment ideas and the opportunity to earn.

In fact, investment in the stock market is very interesting. And of course, it is worth at least trying to do it yourself, and not just transfer money to the management of professionals. Someone will definitely like not only the result, but the process itself.

Technical analysis, pros and cons

In the financial markets, there is an alternative theory, the essence of which in a very simplified form looks like this: quotes take into account all, therefore fundamental factors - indicators of the economy, the results of the company - you can not take into account at all, it is enough to analyze graphics, the history of price changes. This approach is called technical analysis.

In part, the popularity of technical analysis in our country is explained by the abundance of engineering personnel - a huge number of educated technical specialists who are closer to mathematical analysis than the economy in a modern understanding.

Of course, technical analysis has the right to life, many use them, and sometimes quite efficiently. In particular, when it becomes a tool for choosing the optimal moment to enter the market and exit from it.

Financial discipline

And at the end, the topic, which only concern all professionals, however, is usually limited to general words. It will be about risks. Yes, any income in the financial world is associated with risks. We cannot get rid of them, but there are funds to deal with them, to actively counteract.
  • The first is the diversification of the portfolio. You can not make the entire portfolio of everything from one paper. There is also no sense to buy shares of two competing companies and assume that we got rid of risk. All oil giants and one gas will be cheaper in the fall of energy prices, it is not yet diversifying. Of course, when attaching a small amount of money, the possibilities are also sufficiently limited.
However, this does not mean that nothing can be done at all. You can, for example, have several "oil and gas" papers, something from the financial sphere, and something out of retail. This portfolio is protected from risk of industries and individual companies. Although on the other hand, it is necessary to understand that in this example nothing is taken against the risk of the economy with a separate country and especially against global financial crises and recessions.
  • The second thing is that the novice investor must be adopted is the formulation of the so-called stop loss, orders for a broker to closing positions, if something went wrong. To begin, it is possible to recommend always to leave one or another asset if the losses on it were made up, say, 5 percent.

Finally, the permissible loss is determined independently. But once. Once the decision must be strictly observed. This is the only way - not to lose everything.

Unfortunately, novice investors can more often observe a completely reverse tendency: the winning positions are closed almost immediately, but the unprofitable is held until the end - until the money is completed.

Conclusions and instructions where to invest small amounts of money

So, the best market for attaching a small amount of money, in our opinion, these are shares of companies, "blue chips" through a broker on the Moscow Exchange. In order to start investing successfully, you need to perform a number of steps.

  • Open brokerage account by choosing a company that offers inexpensive service without monthly mandatory payments.
  • Top up the account and start concluding deals.
  • Do not be lazy and start as soon as possible to study the subject: Economics and Finance companies.

Finally, the last but most important thing is to establish for ourselves and strictly comply with financial discipline, diversify the portfolio and establish restrictions on the permissible losses on any tool.

Earn a lot by putting a small amount of money, it will not immediately work. But you can learn to invest money in the stock market. And the account is quite possible - to replenish gradually. And so to do - even better.

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