Salt, Chemical, Electric: Test Hand Hand

Salt, Chemical, Electric: Test Hand Hand 291_1

It is difficult to believe, but the yield in winter to the street without gloves can turn into a heart attack. Doctors explain: hand vessels are directly connected with the heart and the brain. If the capillaries are compressed from the frost in the brushes, the same at the same time occurs in vital organs. But what if you need to work for a long time, and thick gloves interfere? Asking a variety of devices for warming hands come to the rescue.

The program "Miracle of Technology" tested salt heating for 790 rubles, chemical heating rates of 80 rubles, electric heights-Powerbank for 1600 (she can also charge the phone), catalytic heating on gasoline for 800 rubles and gloves with electric heating for 2800 rubles.

Hitting lovers prefer catalytic heating for the fact that fuel is always at hand - it is carried to kitchen burners. There is no open flame. Fire is needed, only the system earned as the starter at the engine. The fuel is then oxidized by oxygen using a preheated catalyst. The result of the reaction is heat.

In honor of hiking and chemical heating. Packages need to be removed from the package so that they start to warm. From contact with oxygen, a chemical reaction occurs, and the heat is highlighted for quite a long time.

The salt heater, in the opinion of hiking, is not suitable for hiking conditions, although he fries from the first seconds. Color fluid inside is a solution of certain salts. Pressing the button starts the crystallization process, and when moving from a liquid state to solid, heat is highlighted. The effect is very stormy, but ends pretty quickly.

During the test to the declared temperature of 50 degrees, almost all samples got in 5 minutes. Only gloves have heard just 40 degrees. The salt guide cooled faster than everyone: in 2 hours the temperature fell on 20 degrees. Four hours worked gloves and Powerbank. And only after 8 hours cooled catalytic and chemical heating. But it is in the warm room.

In the development of work medicine at a temperature of minus 5 on the frozen hands, Powerbank and catalytic heater were best shown. But the strongest disappointment caused electric stakes. Their inefficiency was confirmed by sensor data - unlike other samples, the gloves could not return the temperature of the skin of the hands to the initial one that was before freezing. Apparently, due to the unsuccessful location of the heating elements, the heat went faster than formed. Favorites on the results of the test series also got chemical heating.

If you plan to be on the street for a very long time, it is better to take one-time chemical warms or buy yourself a catalytic, which is true, it is impossible to turn off until it will procee, and it is not recommended to leave the premises. Adjust the time and degree of heating allows the boilers-PowerBank, which is suitable for quick, but short heating. Salt heights also have their own fans who like the instant, albeit a short effect, and repaid: to return the heating in its original state, it is necessary to put it in boiling water.

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