Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of velvet seedlings


    Good afternoon, my reader. Magnificent chucks of velvets with carved foliage and bright flowers can be found almost all inauridal sites. The plant is distinguished by rapid growth and non-addiction, therefore enjoys great popularity. The process of growing velvetsev is very simple even for a beginner flower. Especially if you follow the detailed instructions below.

    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of velvet seedlings 2899_1
    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of the seedlings of Vitytsev Maria Verbilkova

    Velhets, or Chernobrring, as the flowers are called in the people, multiply in a seed way. Seeds can be bought in any specialized store or to assemble in advance from the growing plants at home. But before proceeding to the collection of seeds, it is necessary to make sure that they are already matured and the floral boxes completely dried. However, keep in mind that many of the varieties grown by you relate to hybrids. Consequently, not all seedlings will inherit parental varieties.

    Botany numbered about 40 varieties of Chernobrivors, and all of them are very different in shape, size and structure of the flower, height of the bush and the type of leaves. If you plan to decorate your balcony, low-speed varieties are more suitable, such as Ursula, Antigua, Paprika, Gnome, etc.

    The exact timing of the procedure is difficult to determine, because they depend on many factors:

    • landing place (street or house);
    • Vitytsev grade (flowering time);
    • climate of a certain region;
    • Local weather conditions.

    In addition, it is worth considering the risk of return freezers. By the end of May, this threat disappears. And since 40-50 days passes from the emergence of shoots before the start of flowering, therefore, the best time for laying the seed will be the end of March - the beginning of April. In the case of cultivation of culture on the balcony, the event is carried out at the end of February, then in April it will be possible to admire the bright, lifting the mood with flowers.

    Experienced flowers before sowing are focused on the lunar calendar, which contains favorable days:

    • February - 7, 11, 13, 16 (for landing seedlings in closed soil);
    • March - 10, 12, 15 (for transplanting to open ground in the first half of May);
    • April - 7, 11, 18 (in open ground in the first half of June);
    • May - 9, 10, 15, 17 (seeds are laying directly in open soil).

    For the cultivation of velvetsev, you can use the shop soil for floral seedlings, and the personally cooked substrate is suitable. Take humid, peat, turf, river sand in the ratio: 2: 2: 2: 1 and mixed thoroughly. The resulting soil is necessarily disinfected by a manganese solution. At the bottom of the container intended for the landing, lay the drainage layer of 3 cm from gravel, broken brick or clay.

    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of velvet seedlings 2899_2
    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of the seedlings of Vitytsev Maria Verbilkova

    Before laying in the substrate, the seeds are disinfected, and after they germinate. For disinfection, the planting material is bagped for 24 hours in a pink solution of manganese, then washed and dried. The seeds are then wrapped in the flap of moistened tissue, packaged in a cellophane bag and are left in heat for 3 days until shoots appear. Seeds are planted and not generous, but shoots will go about 4-5 days later.

    Before the procedure, the substrate is moistened with warm, estimated water. This use a spray gun. Next, a thin chips, and the bodice is better done by the ruver of 1 cm deep and between them leave the gap of 2-2.5 cm. In the grooves lay seeds (you can use tweezers) at a distance of 2 cm.

    After that, the ground and sand is mixed in equal ratios, a little ash is added to prevent the infection of the black leg and the grooves are poured with this mixture for 1 cm. The palm is slightly trambed and moderately watered.

    Then covered with polyethylene and left in a darkened, warm room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Periodically, the greenhouse is ventilated so that the condensate is not going. After 5-7 days, when the seedlings appear, the glass and the container with shoots are removed. At the same time, the temperature reduces to 16-18 degrees.

    As soon as the seedlings were formed at 2-4 sheets, seedlings are peeing, that is, they transplanted into separate containers, blocking seedlings to the level of seedy leaves. For landing, you can also use a more voluminous container, such as wide wooden boxes. The distance between the seedlings is observed according to the culture variety (adult height):
    • High varieties are planted after 40 cm from each other;
    • middle height - after 20 cm;
    • The lowest is 15 cm enough.

    It is advisable to comply with these recommendations, then the bumps of velvetsev will grow fluffy, and flowering is abundant.

    Black-robes growing in flower beds and in flower beds are practically not fertilized. When keeping on the balcony without feeding it is not necessary:

    • The first feeding is made 10 days after the dive;
    • second during the formation of buds;
    • Third at the initial stage of flowering.
    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of velvet seedlings 2899_3
    Step-by-step instructions for independent cultivation of the seedlings of Vitytsev Maria Verbilkova

    Before you transfer seedlings to the street, you need to prepare the ground in the flower beds. It is hammered, smashed lumps and carefully tear. If the soil is too heavy, large river sand and peat are made. Next steps:
    1. Move wells at a distance pointing above.
    2. Carefully remove a sapling together with an earthen room and transplant in the well.
    3. The soil is slightly condensed, the plants are watered.
    4. Then the landing is mounted with a layer of 5 cm. Mulching material can be wood sawdust or peat.

    Caring for Chernobodov implies the following procedures:

    1. Watering. Conduct as the upper layer of soil dried.
    2. Loosening. It is necessary for the aeration of the soil, excluding the stagnation of water and rotting the roots.
    3. Trimming. To give the baby's neat shape, the velvets will have to be periodically cut.
    4. Interests to combat pests. Although the black robes are quite resistant to the attacks of different insects, sometimes striking plants sometimes.

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