18 stories about parents who have done everything they could and now reap the fruits of their upbringing


Raising children is not a lung. You can endlessly remind a child to led himself as it should be, wrapped it, criticize and even punish, but it's not a fact that a person will become cultural and decent. In order to invest in the head of the Cad, it is necessary to file an example: do not cross the road to a red light, not to litter, be polite and help those who are weaker.

We are in adme.ru to be aware of how difficult it is to raise children so that they get educated and responsive people. Today in our selection of history about those who succeeded.

  • Drove daughter to kindergarten. It was necessary to move two pedestrian transitions with traffic lights. From the very beginning, explained that it is possible to cross the road only on the green light and that those who move onto red - stupid people without brains. Periodically satisfied verification-provocations: "Docha, see no cars, let's fool? Wait long. " In response I heard: "No, dad. Not! Stop! " And then the mother-in-law took the daughter to visit, comes and complains: "I had to run to the bus, and on the pedestrian crossing the red light burned. I wanted to run, so the alenka clung to his hands and the screams arranged to the whole street: "Grandma, stand! It is impossible on red! So only brass people do! "" Grandma's check is successful. © snakecatcher / pikabu
  • I was born in a rich family. I remember how in my childhood we came to a big toy store, my mother leaned toward me, seriously and calmly said: "You will choose 10 toys today, but we will leave you only 5. You will share the rest with other children who are lucky much less than you . Okay?" I agreed. Then we went to the orphanage. Seeing such joy in the eyes of other children, I gave all the toys. And so we did quite often. Later, Mom told that he was partly checked for greed. © Overheard / VK
  • Mom on every hundred dumplings makes one "happy." Either pepper in it more embankment, or garlic instead of minced meat. Somehow my friends and I came to my home after par. There were dumplings, Mom offered to eat. And here friends praise lunch, say Thank you, and my mother asks: "What are you silent, whom" Happy "got?" A friend answers: "And ... so it's happy ..." In short, my friend turned out to be well brought up, he silently, without silent the mind, felt and swallowed this "happy" dumplings filled with pepper. He thought this hostess was covered, and no single muscle on his face did not lead. This is a pupil! © MLGPRO / Pikabu

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  • Approached the weekend plus my mom's birthday. On this occasion, my daughter and I went to the store for products. We bought a cake, and then drove into one place to order the food in the honeycomb. We were told that you need to wait 20 minutes, and we decided to spend this time in the parking lot. Because of the weekend, almost all parking was busy. Near us parked a couple on a bike. The girl in his hands was some drink in a tin jar. Sowing from a two-wheeled horse, she threw the jar to the ground. And then my daughter (4.5 years old) said loudly: "Aunt, please do not chop up, get to the urn." I have already prepared for the fact that Bodybuilder, who accompanied this lady, is now suitable for me to figure out. But no. A couple just smiled, the girl raised the bank from the ground and gone. I have always spoken my daughter, so that she does not whine. Even the wrapper from the Iriski will be in his pocket until the garbage can be found. © ABHIJEET Joshi / Quora
  • A familiar daughter studied in the 2nd grade. I don't know how, but last spring, this baby inspired several people from the class to clean the territory of the courtyards in which they live. With my own eyes, I saw a bunch of small, but conscious citizens, taking gloves and bags, friendly Vatagoy for several days in a row went to collect rubbish, which was hidden under the thickness of the snow in the winter. Maybe this planet still has a future.
  • Familiar works in the hospital. Brought them a man after an accident. Doctors intelligent, gathered it back, came out good. The man flew a little log, then amended the recovery, exercises. The son comes, helps. And a peasant between the case to borrow myself: then the bedside table is supported, then the bed will correct, so as not to creak. Then, in the whole branch, the bedside table repaired. Stakenists, door box screwed, handles / locks smeared, etc. One day he is familiar to the post, the magazine leafs, a peasant of that son in the corridor is waiting. The edge of the eye notes some unnatural movement of the hands of this guy under the coffee table. I looked at, and he span the bolts on the table pulls up. He began the source of smuggling in a man in the form of screwdriver and self-tapping screws. In general, in almost a year together, they are not bad at the branch of Namarafethyl. Long-way to watch. It is said that an apple from the apple tree falls nearby. Only this apple is still needed correctly. © RihardCruspe / Pikabu

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  • I have a 14-year-old daughter. Meets with the peer. Such a good, educated boy. Every Sunday comes to visit, and they sit in the daughter's room all day. Well, I did not want to disturb. But suddenly thought: "XXI century. Children grow early. And what if they are not clear what they do? " And ran to her room. I open the door and see the muffled light of the lamp. I hear the conversation ... I enter the room with a view: "Yeah, fell!" And what do I watch? My daughter sits in a chair and knits a scarf, and a young man lying on the sofa reads out loud. I just could say: "Maybe tea? .." © Overheard / VK
  • Winter. I stand at the stop, waiting for the bus. Not far there is a bunch of schoolchildren, next to them is a mongrel. The eyes of glass, not reacting to anything. I turned out shy: Well, what can you help? Suddenly the dog crushed loudly. I think: "What, and the teeth of Spane is no longer a dismissal." I look, and the children surrounded the dog and who can heat it: who ears rubbing, who holds his paws, one boy even removed the jacket and covered her dog. Someone sacrificed his portfolio and made something like a litter out of it. When PSA was raised to put on top, he was bored - the paw was damaged. I called the boss, took the ran down, and the dog itself under the mouse itself - and in the vetclinic. Children from whom I did not expect anything good, reminded me of what it means to be a man. Thanks to their parents.
  • My son and I were in the store of Asian products. The child accidentally heard the sellers discuss us in Korean, thinking that we did not understand the words. I did not know and still I don't know what they were then talked, but my son quickly folded our purchases and spent me from there. He did not want to repeat me what those people said. When I asked why he just did not answer them in Korean and did not make it clear that he understood their speech, he politely said: "Well, moms, I did not want to confuse them." © Rebecca Knaack / Quora

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  • Once my 14-year-old grandson returned home from school and saw the mother of my friend, which dragged a lot of shopping. He came up to her, took heavy bags from the old woman and carried them at the same time with her weightworked school bag behind his back. Returning home, he did not say a word. I found out about it only when my friend said: "Please thank the grandson for the fact that he helped my mother yesterday. He is such a gentleman, you must be proud of them. " © Beryl Johnson / Quora
  • Evening. Trolleybus. Driving home. Babulka sits a completely ancient, barely soul in the body. Drive up to stop. I missed a granny ahead so that she could get out. Together with us went out with a boy of 7-8 years old. Here the boy gently takes a granny hand and helps her get out. If you saw her eyes ... how many gratitude, surprise and love were in them! She was silent, and with her I. © Overheard / VK
  • I work in a hospital. Today there came many kids for the blood of blood from the finger. We cried everything! So much tears in one day I have not seen for a long time. And then after the next bored Karapuz, the door sprinkles and a girl of 4 years old comes into the office of a courageous step. Shows mom, they say, stand here, I myself. Closes the door, climbs on the chair and stretches to me the direction. Says: "I'm not completely afraid!" When they pierced, did not squeak, when they took blood, smiled. Then I climbed the rut in the rut, smiled even wider, I wondered to me with another hand and said: "Goodbye, thank you very much!" Her mother, of course, watched all this, open the door, then also looked, thanked, and they left. How nice to look at the brought up and bold kids who do not begin to hone, just going into the office. © Overheard / VK

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  • The daughter saw how the boy was digging by her shovel, and he says: "Let me say that it is impolite about other people's things without permission." The boy returned the shovel into the place and asked for permission to take it. After that, the rest of the children approached each other for the resolution to take someone else's toy. The lessons of intelligence at the playground for free and without registration. © 000lchik / Twitter
  • In the store, the Son (7 years) accidentally broke a souvenir. I did not scold him, but calmly said that he would have to pay from his pocket money. He gathered all the fragments and brought them to the cashier. The store owner, who observed all this, said that she would allow him to choose any other souvenir. But my son wanted this particular and was ready to pay. Then she glued him and gave us. © Irina Geneau / Facebook
  • Once I went to the airport with my 15-year-old son. Behind us was a woman with some kind of physical disadvantage, which was a little tormented with a luggage. When we approached the escalator, it turned out that he was out of order. I had to go to the stairs. Without any tip, completely independently, my son turned and asked that woman whether he could help her climb the stairs. She gratefully adopted his help, and he took her bag. I was so proud of them. When I saw it, I realized that I once did something right, since he grew up a man. © Teresa Sanges / Quora

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  • The girlfriend noticed that the daughter began to quickly disappear money. Just give a hundred on pocket expenses, as he comes again: "Mom, give money." And grandma with grandfather told that granddaughter more often began to ask for ice cream. The girlfriend has a child and demanded to tell everything as it is. That in tears. It turned out that they decided to feed the homeless people with her friend, who lived in the neighboring school. After studying, the chutty girls came to the store, bought him bread, milk and fast cooking noodles. They did not scold them, praised for kindness, but they explained that it was still not to communicate with the homeless.
  • I realized that I brought the daughter with a good person when she, being 7-year-old, donated all the accumulated money (maybe $ 10-15) a charity organization to combat cancer. The daughter wanted to help such people as her grandfather, who a month before that, left us because of this disease. © Ketsuekiseiyaku / Reddit
  • Dica came from school: "Dad, today we go to the parent meeting. Joint, parents together with students. " School across the road from home. We approach this road, the daughter takes my hand and drags to a pedestrian crossing - meters 200 to the side. We go there. I remembered: when she led her to the 1st class, the same way was done. Then she explained that it was better to spend 7 minutes, but to reach the transition than directly to the hospital. Docha long herself goes to school, 14 years old, the 8th grade. But I realized that I still rightly goes the road. Well done. © kspksp / pikabu

And after which events you understand that they brought up children right?

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