Top 10 ways to scare up slugs and snails


The appearance of slugs and snails can be a serious problem for each gardener. These pests quickly multiply and are able to destroy almost the entire harvest. Therefore, each gardener will be useful to know not only simple, but really effective methods of dealing with snail and slugs.

Top 10 ways to scare up slugs and snails 2884_1


This is one of the most effective pest control methods. You can make a trap yourself. This option is suitable for small sites.

To make a trap stick to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Take large plastic cups (suitable glass containers) and deepen to the ground. Make sure the edges above the ground level by 2-2.5 cm.
  2. Pour the food bait - for example, beer, a mixture of honey with yeast, sweet sugar syrup.
  3. The fragrance of bait will be attracted by slugs with snails, which will begin to drive inside the tank.
  4. In the morning and in the evening, check the traps, if necessary, change them and pour a new bait.

For the next trap you will need things that pests are used as asylum and prefer to hide in them during the heat. Capor leaves, old boards, orange peel (pre-closed in water) are perfectly suitable. You can use the inverted flower pots, which can be sled pests.

It will be enough to regularly inspect these places, and hold a manual collection of snails and slugs that are hidden from sunlight. To the trap becomes more attractive, put a little dry pet food.

In the evening, place the old boards, cabbage leaves or flower pots in the garden, pour bait. Every morning check traps and destroy pests. When their number decreases, spend the check every 7-10 days.

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Correction of watering

One of the factors provoking the appearance of slugs in the garden with snails is abundant watering. Moisture, accumulating not only in the soil, but also on plants, attracts slugs.

Watering is best done early in the morning and in the evening the soil will have enough crack. From the site regularly remove the old mulch, periodically laying the new layer. This will help reduce the amount of irrigation, but maintain the optimal level of soil moisture.


Not always natural methods bring the result, especially if the rainy summer. In this case, chemicals have to use.

Applying the following drugs, you can get rid of slugs with snails:

  • Mesurol. These are granules that are abundantly scattered in the habitats of mollusks. Suitable for use even at low temperatures. It turns out almost instant effect - the snail is deprived of mucus. The drug is used 2-3 times, depending on the complexity of the situation and the pests will not be destroyed.
  • Nemaslug. The funds contain nematodes, penetrating the inside of the body of a snail provoking their slow death. After about 5 days, pests cease to eat, die in 10-14 days. Used means for spraying or watering plants. For the season, it is enough to carry out 1-3 processing.
  • Anti-slip gel. The tool does not smell. The drug is applied strictly around the plants. A coating is created, which provides reliable protection against slug attacks.

When growing in a closed soil, the territory is processed around the greenhouse, since pests can penetrate under the underground tunnels.

The use of chemistry does not pass without a trace for the environment. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Natural methods

From "slippery guests" you can apply the following methods and tools that are easy to cook alone:
  • Shell from chicken eggs. Pre-dry and grind. Egg crumbs suck the land around the plants. The pests have a very soft and gentle body, therefore even the slightest damage causes severe pain. In the same way, use river sand, crushed seashells, coffee thick, pine needles, nut shell, etc.
  • Red pepper, mustard, coffee (powder). Take 2 h. Any means and pour boiling water (200 ml). Leave the solution for a while until it cools. Spray plants with a finished means early in the morning, in the evening or in cloudy weather.
  • Ammonia. Divide water in the ratio of 1: 6. The resulting solution, with the help of a pulverizer, treat all plants that were amazed by pests. The tool has a weak concentration, so does not burn the leaves, but the sharp smell scares the mollusks.
  • Salt. Take a large salt and crumble along the tracks in the garden, according to the compost pile. It is destructive for pests, as literally corrosive the bodies of the snails and slugs. Use salt carefully and not too often, since there is a risk of strong soil salinization.
  • Ash. The ash provides reliable landing protection. Lying ash in beds, forming around closed circles. Through such a barrier will not be able to move pests, as the ashes burn their bodies.
  • Soda. Places of cluster of slugs and snails Sprinkle with simple food soda. Use for spraying plants a solution - 10 l take 100 g of soda and 25 g of soap.
  • Vinegar. Conduct treatment with vinegar solution - by 10 liters of water 50 ml of vinegar 9%.
  • Coffee. Take the used coffee thickness and close in the ground. Prepare cold coffee and process the plants with the resulting solution.
  • Infusion wormwood. Grind wormwood and pour with water in proportion 1: 5 (on 5 liters of liquid 500 g of plants). Mix the composition every 2 days. After 4 weeks, the tool is fully prepared. Profillete and use to spray landings.

Plant landing

Putting a plant with a strong aroma in the garden, you can forget about the problem of the appearance of slugs and snails. These pests do not tolerate some cultures, so they will never appear on the site where they grow.

These plants include:

  • Rosemary medicinal. This seasoning perfectly scars a variety of garden pests. The leaves of the plant deplete the bright and pure fragrance, which is not tolerated slugs. You can grow in an open soil or pots, in the summer they bring them to the garden, and placing near the beds, where the snails were noticed.
  • Parsley. It has a bright and rich aroma, since the leaves and other parts of the plant contain essential oils. Parsley effectively scares mollusks, so it is recommended to plant it near cultures exposed to pest attacks.
  • Thyme. Culture refers to the number of aroma plants. Thymean is almost never subjected to pest attacks, providing protection and neighboring landings.
  • Sage. This is an essential oil culture containing unique odorious biologically active substances. Thanks to the pronounced pointer smell, the sage scares with a bed of slugs.
  • Basil. It has a pleasant aroma for a person, but this smell does not tolerate slugs. The plant contains essential oils in the aboveground part.
  • Lavender. The fragrance of this plant is an unpleasant and strong stimulus for slugs. It is enough to plant in the garden Lavender and neighboring cultures will not be subjected to pest attacks.
  • Yarrow. Thanks to the content of essential oils, the culture highlights unpleasant for snails and smears of the fragrance. Therefore, the yarrow, in most cases, is grown as a repellent plant.


Around the plants that are often subject to attacks of slugs and snails, install various barriers. For example, hang the groove and install the plastic chute around the bed, fill with water.

Through such an obstacle, pests will not be able to move. But constantly watch the water in the groove.

Hand pick

This is the most efficient and easy way to get rid of slugs and snails. Collection is carried out manually. It is better to do it in the evening when the sun goes or in cloudy weather, after the rain in wet places. At this time, pests leave their shelters. The occupation is tedious, but brings a tangible result.

Be sure to check the bottom and reverse side of the leaves. All pests are placed in a bucket pre-filled with soap water. You can collect with your hands, putting gloves, or use tweezers.


The mulch layer can become an excellent protective environment from attacks of garden "Snagles!. It is desirable for this purpose to use pine and fir needles. They possess an explosive smell by scaring pests. Also very spiny, so they will interfere with molluscs calmly move around the bed.

Live enemies

In nature, slugs and snails have natural enemies. They can become reliable assistants in the fight against pests. But for this will have to first attract them to the site.

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Help get rid of slugs with snails:

  • Skvorts. Place several benchmarks on the site. First, follow the feeders to have food for birds, which will attract them. Gradually, the starlings will begin to search for themselves for herself.
  • Lizards. They are actively feeding with slugs and snails. To attract them to your garden, place decorative stones that will become not only an ornament, but also with the shelter for lizards.
  • Frogs. At least a small pond should be on the site. This is the habitat of frogs and a wonderful decoration of the plot.
  • Grows. These are dangerous, fast and predatory insects. Grudelitsa need certain conditions for habitat. They prefer to settle in wet depressions, where comfortable minks are digging for themselves. Not only adult insects, but their larvae are very bloodthirsty. They feed on smaller mucus, larvae flies, caterpillars and a wireman. The larvae live in a wet mulch, they also hunt.

Birds, lizards, frogs and insects will be pulled out only in those areas where various chemical preparations are not actively used.


Slugs and snails prefer to settle in cool and wet places, where they are created simply ideal conditions. It is necessary to regularly conduct a weeding site, removing weeds and thickets of grass, where pests can be collected.

Such a procedure allows you to quickly and effectively reduce the amount of shelters for mollusks. A well-lit and warm groke attracts little pests, so their appearance in pure areas is minimized.

And how do you struggle with snails and slugs on the plot? With the help of traps 0% by chemicals 20% I collect 80% with hands I attract the enemies of the snails and slugs 0% in no way 0% Show results Voted: 5

In order not to look for methods to combat slugs and snails, it is enough to adhere to simple preventive measures. For example, abide by the purity of the site, prevent the appearance of overgrown with grass and wetlands, comply with the rate of irrigation and periodically loosen the beds.

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