In 2020, the Sverdlovsk residents began to take care of pets


In 2020, the Sverdlovsk residents began to take care of pets 2880_1

In the first quarter of 2020, the behavior of Yekaterinburg consumers almost fully corresponded to the same period of the previous year. In the future, the pandemic made its own adjustments and became an additional incentive to increase payments by contactless way - with the help of bank cards and mobile applications. This is stated in the study of Absolut Bank, which is available to BankinformService.

"In the second half of the year 2020, the Bank's customers in the Sverdlovsk region have become 30% more spending money for the purchase of products. They also began to spend 20% more money for digital and household appliances. Approximately 10% increased the costs of medicine and the category "Beauty and Sport". For the year, the costs of the purchase of goods and payment of pets for pets increased by 20%. But for gifts and flowers, people began to spend 15-20% less.

At the same time, the costs of restaurants and cafes decreased twice as compared with 2019. In November and December 2020, spending on the purchase of air tickets and Turpetevok decreased more than twice as compared with the same months in 2019.

However, expenses for railway tickets, fuel and car service services rose by almost 30%. It can be concluded that many preferred to travel abroad independent travel in Russia on their own vehicles, as well as by train, "says Svetlana Kovaleva, Head of Absolut Bank in Yekaterinburg.

But on the eve of the New Year, the consumer activity of the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg decreased by 10% compared to the same period last year, there was a study.

In addition, the Absolut Bank specialists report on the growth of online payments: customers in the Sverdlovsk region the number of transactions in the Internet bank and mobile application increased almost 2 times. At the same time, one of the fastest growing remote services in 2020 was the system of rapid payments (SBP). In December, the share of bundles in the Absolut Bank in the Sverdlovsk region approached 60% of the total R2R payments. 44% of the total number of bundles are incoming transfers, funds that most often go to pay for the mortgage.

When preparing an analysis of the Analytics of Absolut Bank, analyzed statistics on translations and spending customer-holders of maps and users of the mobile application "Absolut Mobile" for 2020 in the Sverdlovsk region.

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