Google has ceased to update iOS applications to not report what data it collects


After December 7 last year, no Google IOS application was updated, while Android applications continued to be updated: Google Maps - December 14, Google Duo - December 15, Google Gmail - December 16 and YouTube - December 21. Explain this mysterious phenomenon is easy: since on December 8, when placing a new application or a new version of its version in the App Store, developers are obliged to report what user data this application collects and in what purposes. The user can see this data in the App Store - and if something in this data does not like it, or do not acquire the application or get rid of it. Either set these data on the universal review.

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Google collects so much data that did not have time to add information per month

Maybe Google began a protest action against violating its legitimate right to collect data on defenseless users before it? From mid-December, the company asked about the reasons for this - but Google did not answer. In the meantime, desperately defending his Facebook rights updated her Messenger for iOS, honestly and frankly open, which data in it and for what purpose are.

According to the number of privacy labels in Facebook Messenger ranks first in the App Store, it is possible before the opening of Google its terrible secrets. Just yesterday, when her silence became interested in the media and began to compose any nasty things about it, Google finally answered. Surprisingly peacefully, expressing the willingness to follow the rules set by Apple. About any protest and speech can not be as soon as Google finishes filling in confidentiality reports for all its iOS applications, their regular updates will resume.

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What is privacy labels in the App Store

Google has ceased to update iOS applications to not report what data it collects 2873_2
So look privacy labels in the App Store

In the App Store, a summary of the user-accumulated data is drawn up by the user's data on the user become a list of privacy labels, broken into six columns, depending on the target with which this data is collected. In Apple, privacy labels were compared with information on food products, indicated on their packaging - calorieness, the number of proteins and carbohydrates used by preservatives and the like - the buyer has the right to know what he buys and what he eats, especially if some ingredients Prohibited or should be limited. Apple publishes and privacy labels of their own applications, including built-in. But who can confirm their accuracy?

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Lists of confidentiality of several messengers

Why google applications for iphone are not updated

Is there so many cases in Google applications that according to the new Apple rules need to declare in confidentiality reports, which is required for their transfer required for more than a month? By the way, it is not necessary to draw up a summary for all applications at all. But in Google, most likely, they approached the question globally, at the level of the highest leadership.

Surely in Google tried to find out if Apple could somehow check whether all the cases of confidentiality disruption are made to the Declaration, and how it can be defended. Apparently, they decided not to contact Apple, and now remove everything from the applications to declare, but without which you can do. That, without which it is not necessary to do, but it should not be shown to users in any way, you need to urgently mask for something harmless. And in a short time in a huge code, you need to make a lot of changes.

This and other Apple initiatives in iOS / iPados 14 complicated the lives to developers, but not so much to throw a profitable and interesting occupation. In the depths of the soul, many of them understand why and why Apple does it. The presence of a security summary was to be a prerequisite when placed in the App Store of the new application or its update with the iOS 14 output, but then Apple postponed the introduction of these rules before December.

On this Apple is not going to stop - the company believes that privacy labels should be implemented in all stores of applications in the world. Create such conditions to ignore the rights of consumers for confidentiality has become unprofitable - in Apple they believe that because of this, the world will become better.

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