How would my mother be visited?

How would my mother be visited? 285_1
How would my mother be visited? Photo: Halfpoint,

History from life. June 1986. At 10 am, a large meeting of mehovers who came to Moscow from all countries of the Socialist Commonwealth should begin. I was responsible for the organizational side of this meeting, so things were fully, as always, something went not at all and it was necessary to urgently take action.

One person comes to me, obviously not our: I know my own, first, I know everyone, and secondly, it is immediately felt, I don't even know why this is a foreigner.

"Sorry, Pan Vladimir, I was told that you need to contact you."

The Russian language is good, but the focus is present, older for five years, the appeal "Pan" suggests that he or from Poland, or from Czechoslovakia came to us:

- I listen to you - answer.

- My name is Krzishtof Veselovsky, I was born in 1940, it was necessary, I was mistaken, only for three years older, I thought, - in a small village on the territory of Belarus, my parents are by nationality, it means I am also a Pole. The war ended, your troops were released us, but it happened that mom remained where we lived, and me the Germans grabbed and taken with them. I got to the west to the concentration camp for such a baby, then the Americans have already rescued us from the camp. I spoke well in Polish, so I gave me one Polish family, and they wanted to return to their homeland and achieved the fact that we went to the Lodz. The fact that I was a reception son, I learned very late, before my death my receptionive mother told me about it. After all, when they arrived at the camp for displaced persons, I decided that these my parents were realized, and they did not deny it at all. I started looking for my real relatives for family reunification, it was long and very hard all happened, but last year I was reported on the line of the Red Cross that my mother now lives in the Lithuanian territory, for some reason Lithuania moved away, Well, there is nothing terrible in this. I work as director of a shoe factory, so I asked for this meeting to make mom to see. I even discharged a business trip for five days, and I, too, later than everyone, taken. Yesterday I wanted to take a ticket to Vilnius, but I did not sell, they say, the visa is only open to Moscow. Help.

In this case, I did not know at all, but I noticed the head of the technical administration of the Ministry of Light Industry and came to him:

- Alexey Ivanovich, what can be done in this case?

He as an experienced apparatus immediately hurried to change me further:

"You see, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Economic Relations stands, he is Lithuanian, he and cards in his hands.

And then, already hiding, just turned to me:

- You yourself do not climb there, let the Pole try, it will not work, then you have to work.

I did it, he taught all the Pan Kshyshto, and sent to the deputy minister and sent. I stand, I pretend that I look at the other side, and I don't have no, but an eye in their direction. I see that Pan points me, oh, in vain he did it, I don't know how to help him you can. And himself already as tied for a long leash to high graduation tightening.

"I am a letter addressed to the head of Osir'a, well, and you will have to run."

I rushed to look for how this chief is called, but at the same time think what to write?

I ran into technical management, put to the head of the department, came out of the office - and the letter is written, and the necessary two visa cost, clearly and quickly I worked, myself was pleased.

Next began everything is very and very boring, tedious and slow. Complete expectations. In one chair, I spent an hour, I spent a minute in the office, I spent two hours in the office, and in that room, which I was hiding behind the door, which I sat for just three minutes. But at least with benefits: a couple of autographs under the squeezed signature of the Deputy Minister received. Three days I ran to the main department of the internal affairs of Moscow, and achieved only instructions in the district OIIR to take into production and consider essentially.

The second round of my wandering on the stairs of the bureaucracy began. The International Meeting in our ministry closed at 16 o'clock, then it was necessary to receive a reception on behalf of the minister, here I came to this technique, which was allowed to arrive in Vilnius to Vilnius, for four days to go to such a settlement, return to Vilnius, serving to Moscow, from which to leave according to a predetermined route. At the same time, all vehicles in the country of Poland, born in the USSR, should be held under the supervision of a vigilant one appropriate organization.

So tell me: the fact that we are from this golden cells broke out, it is for us to all or.

Author - Vladimir Horp

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