What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties


    Good afternoon, my reader. Tomatoes - culture picky. Gardeners spend on her a lot of time: seed squeezing, planting seedlings, regular watering, border, step-down. But if you choose the lowest varieties, then you can avoid the last two items. What preferred?

    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties 284_1
    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties of Maria Verbilkova

    Pluses a lot:
    • strength;
    • taste;
    • Simultaneously matures a large number of fruits;
    • do not fear diseases and pests;
    • They do not need to be pausing.

    Low small bushes with a height of 50 cm (usually) to 100 cm (rarely).

    Fruits are formed and manage to mature even on lateral shoots: varieties usually early.

    Unpretentious, easily tolerate adverse weather conditions. Not afraid of the vertex rot.

    Fruits in the form of "cream", dense. The weight of the fetus is about 100 g, everything from a bush can be obtained from 6 to 8 kg. Tomatoes do not crack.

    Due to the density, it is well stored during the ripening. You can marinate.

    It can be grown almost everywhere - from the open soil to the windowsill. In the greenhouses can bring harvest to the first frost.

    Its maximum height is about 40 centimeters. Sun amateur: you need to choose a sunny place.

    Yellow fruits, small (20-30 g). It is usually plentiful fruitful, sweet tomatoes, gentle skin. It is tasty there is fresh, you can roll up for the winter.

    It is easy to care for it: the heat is not afraid, and coolness, ripens early, the yield is high, tomatoes are not cracking.

    White blossom is called because of the color of the fruit: at the first stage they have a milk shade. By the end of ripening, it is replaced by red. The weight is quite large: 80-120 g, one square meter brings about 7 kg of harvest.

    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties 284_2
    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties of Maria Verbilkova

    Dense flesh and peel guarantee preservation during transportation. It is suitable for freezing.

    The variety is not afraid of drought and coolness. Well carries out in the greenhouses, and in the garden. Fruit pretty early.

    Tomatas mass about 100 g, total yield about 8 kg.

    Not very well kept: too juicy and soft. Therefore, it is necessary either to eat immediately or canning.

    A variety for those who want to enjoy the tomatoes as quickly as possible: they appear after 80 days after shooting.

    The variety is unpretentious, not afraid of diseases, not "sick" after the transplant.

    The fruit of the ribbed flax shape weighs about 80 g. Not too damned variety: about 2 kg with bush.

    You can also preserve, and is fresh.

    Named because of the shape of tomatoes: heart. Weigh from 100 to 300 g. The largest - up to 500 kste brings up to 3 kg of fruits.

    Skin Skin: Suitable for cooking sauces, ketchup, tomato juice, ledge.

    Mid variety. The yield is low, but it is not afraid of either a shadow or cold. Not demanding to soil.

    This variety is sometimes supported, the bushes are formed in 3-4 escapes. It is not necessary to packing.

    Ripens early.

    Does not deteriorate when transporting.

    Sustained to drought, and to high humidity.

    It is distinguished by the fact that it can be seeded by seeds immediately into the open soil (the first week of May).

    The best option for salads: the flesh is gentle, sweetish.

    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties 284_3
    What tomatoes can not be pausing? We save time in the garden: the best lowest varieties of Maria Verbilkova

    Round, slightly flax fruits weigh from 50 to 70. Total can be obtained up to one and a half kg of tomatoes from the bush.

    A whole series of tomatoes united by a common name. In addition, they have common features:

    • unpretentious;
    • increased content of vitamins;
    • Strevious.

    Fruits in a series of tiny (20 g) to gigantic (up to 200 g), on average - 50-70 g. The form and color may be different: cylindrical, rounded, with a "nose"; Orange, striped, crimson, red.

    Ripens late, but brings a rich harvest - from one square you can collect about 7 kg of tomatoes.

    Form of tomatoes stretched, elongated, color - saturated red, weight - from 40 to 60 g.

    Of the advantages: at the same time, a large number of fruits ripen, which are not soldered for a long time, not afraid of diseases and pests.

    Of the minuses: it reacts poorly to the wrong feeding and watering - the fruits begin to crack.

    The first harvest matures early, fruits long.

    It is not afraid of low temperatures, so suitable for open soil. Not as resistant to diseases like other varieties.

    The bush grows from 45 to 50 cm, almost does not give lateral shoots.

    Yield from one square meter - up to 8 kg.

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