Coronavirus returned the demand for strong drinks


In 2020, Kazakhstanis bought 1,11.2 thousand liters of vodka and 40 thousand liters of cognac every day, transfers

Since 2010, in Kazakhstan, a decrease in the demand for vodka was noted. In 2013, 73.3 million liters of this alcoholic beverage were sold in the domestic market. In 2019 - a little more than 32.2 million liters. Thus, in just 6 years, the demand for vodka in the republic fell 2.3 times. The trend was traced clear: from November 2018 to March 2020, inclusive demand for vodka every month was lower than a year earlier.

But then the demand began to grow. Kazakhstanis began to use vodka not only to brighten quarantine, but also for the manufacture of antiseptics. As a result: in the first half of the year, 16.1 million liters were sold, which is 1 million more level for the same period of 2019. And in the second half of the year, demand continued to grow. As a result of 12 months, 40.6 million liters were sold in the republic:

  • This is 8.4 million liters, or 26%, more than a year earlier.
  • On average, in a day, Kazakhstanis bought at 111.2 thousand liters.
  • In December, 4.86 million liters were sold - the maximum indicator from August 2018.

To satisfy the increased demand, manufacturers had to increase production. Domestic factories, according to official data, released 30.8 million liters - this is 27.2% more than the level of 2019. Imports and imports - from 8 million to 9.8 million liters. Thus, Kazakhstan producers provided 75.9% of all domestic demand. True, there was nothing to send to export: only 13.1 thousand liters took out abroad against 20.2 thousand liters in 2019.

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The demand for cognac fell in the afternoon

Vodka is not the only strong drink, whose sales have grown in 2020. The implementation of brandy in the domestic market increased by 5.3%, amounting to more than 14.9 million liters - this is more than 40 thousand liters per day. Of these, more than 2.6 million liters were sold in June: so Kazakhstanis noted the removal of quarantine. For comparison: in December 2020, before the new year, the sale of brandy amounted to 1.33 million liters, in December 2019 - 1.5 million liters.

And in general, the main sales fell on the first half of the year: at the end of January-June, the growth of implementation was 85% regarding the 2019 level. The second half of the year, on the contrary, turned out to be failing: demand was significantly lower than in the previous year.

Domestic manufacturers and importers share the market approximately equally, and the balance of forces has changed significantly. Domestic factories spilled 10.6 million liters, which is 9.7% less than the level of 2019. The volume of imports amounted to 8.5 million liters, an increase of 3.3 times per year. It is worth noting that a significant part of the products went to export: 4.2 million liters of brandy sold abroad, which is 22.2 times (!) More than 2019.

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Beer sales grow five years in a row

The growth of beer sales turned out to be even less than a brandy: the amount of products sold increased by only 3.6%. But this is a good result:

  • The growth continues for 5 years in a row.
  • Compared to 2019, sales grew by 35.6 million liters.
  • The average daily sales exceeded 2 million liters.

At the same time, if on sales of vodka and brandy, quarantine influenced positively, then with beer the situation is reverse. The closure of the cafe (including summer) led to the fact that in April was sold by almost 20% less products than a year earlier, the decline was also noted on the total sales for 4 months. However, after the removal of harsh restrictive measures, the situation began to gradually return to normal.

Domestic producers won the growth of demand: production increased by 4.4%, amounting to 693 million liters - it is almost 90% of all needs. Another 62.7 million liters (with a decrease of 0.5% by 2019) provided foreign manufacturers. What was not sold out within the republic went abroad: exports at the end of the year amounted to 15.1 million liters with an increase of 24.8% of 2019.

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Kazakhstan winemakers lost part of the market

Typically, the volume of wine sales is 1.5-2.5 times higher than that of brandy, but in June, for example, the situation was reverse: the liter of the brandy sold was about 800 grams of wine. At the same time, in the first half of the year, a total of 15.3 million liters of wine was sold, which was the minimum value for 3 years. Fully restored and according to the second half of the year. In 2020, Kazakhstanis bought 30.1 million liters - it is slightly (by 10.3 thousand liters), but still less than in 2019. At the same time, the decline in demand is celebrated for the second year in a row.

About 60% of all domestic demand provide domestic manufacturers. In 2020, they spilled a total of 19.8 million liters, which is 3.4% less than the level of the previous year. The missing volumes "finished" importers - 10.4 million liters with an increase of 7%.

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Alexey Nikonorov

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