How to privatize the garden plot without problems


The procedure that allows you to privatize the site, implies step-by-step instructions, which will help to get right in the garden or country partnership to manage the real estate.

The use of vegetable garden, garden and construction does not give the right to hold, but solves this question to privatization, both a garden or capital house and the earth itself. These objects are documented separately, and on a privatized site, the use of the structure is not always confirmed by papers for ownership.

Terminology or procedure

When the property is refined, it is meant a certain procedure, sale, inheritance and other.

The privatized object also relates to these events, and as a result, a garden or a land plot receives one or another legal consequence.

Family couples are important to take into account that inherited or privatized object is not considered shared by property, and in the case of a divorce, the garden plot is departed to the one who is specified in the document, and the husband and wife receive the right to land.

How to privatize the garden plot without problems 2830_1

After March 2016, it is possible to arrange legal land at a rate of free and there is a list of cases when a legal or physical person is available to privatize municipal or state property, in this case a garden plot, free of charge.

If objects relate to cooperative partnerships (gardeners, summer residents or gardeners), then "country amnesty" is distributed on them and the whole process is simplified.

How to privatize, country, land or garden plot are solved individually, taking into account the price, the terms of implementation and legal consequences of the procedure.

Main steps

Before starting to privatize real estate, study the sequence of the procedure, as a result of which the garden plot will be at your disposal.

Property and agricultural issues solves the local administration, the list of documents will be needed:

• Statement in a standard form developed by the authority

• The placement scheme of the considered partitioned relative to others (is drawn up by the owner and confirmed by the Chairman of the Cooperative)

• Paper confirming the Earth's belonging or other object to a specific person.

How to privatize the garden plot without problems 2830_2

It is necessary to really privatize the cottage or garden plot, the owner decides, the acts and evidence of which will be considered in the administration within two weeks. The solution depends on the purpose of land and further property procedures.

The next stage is the design of the cadastral passport. When the above paper is assembled, you need to contact the cadastral ward, for the design of the passport, without which to privatize it is unlikely to succeed. The list of documents will be required to add a certificate of what size has a garden plot. It is not obliged to carry out the survey and granting the Mechanical Plan of Dachini and Gardeners, but without having certain borders, since 2018 it is impossible to manage it.

How to issue documentation for the country

As issuing the right of ownership, and to privatize the house outside the city or in the garden plot is not difficult, the simplified procedure for the actions has not changed. At the same time, to become the owner of the suburban real estate is simpler, as they do not have to go to the local municipal body and make a cadastral passport.

It is important to know what to privatize the house or garden plot, only in the so-called garden book, which was issued in 1991-95 it is impossible, as it is not a guideline document and sell land or real estate on legal grounds will not be able to.

How to privatize the garden plot without problems 2830_3

To register country property contact the Rosreestra division, where they fill the standard form of declaration.

Once the document is collected, start privatizing. The declaration displays:

• Title of the structure (house, bath, hozpostroy)

• address

• Area (measurements in the garden plot holds the owner)

• Room made in the Cadastral Chamber

• Floors

• Building material

• Availability of engineering networks.

As soon as we managed to privatize the garden, country or land, you become a taxpayer, the amount of tax is usually 0.3% of the price of land.

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