Profit Huawei in 2020 increased, despite trade wars with the United States


Hello, dear readers of the website For 2020, Huawei Technologies received a small increase in its economic indicators, despite all the problems with whom she had to face: US sanctions, the World Coronavirus Pandemic - about this today on February 23 at the conference

The head of the company Ken Hu reported.

Profit Huawei in 2020 increased, despite trade wars with the United States 2819_1

Reuters Publisher provided a report, according to which, last year, a Chinese company, despite various "irresistible difficulties", faced "extreme difficulties", passed through all the tests and managed to maintain stability and strong partnerships.

With the beginning of the trade war between the United States and China in 2019, Huawei was included in the black list of companies that were actually prohibited to conduct business in the United States and its partners. This is so in the conditions of the strictest deficit in 2020 technologies, component devices, semiconductors and logistics paralysis, influenced the brand's ability to provide components and other important components of their business partners and telecommunications even on their own domestic market.

All the accusations of Trump and the US Presidential Administration against Huawei were reduced to the threats of national security for the United States, but the company denied everything.

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After the arrival of the new administration in the US, the founder and CEO of Huawei Hwean Zhenfay expressed the hope that the Administration of Byyden would hold open economic policies and will allow American companies to cooperate with Huawei.

In addition, earlier the head of the company said that last year the company demonstrated a positive trend of growth and profit and reported that the company is not going to throw a business for the production of smartphones.

The head of Huawei expressed the hope that the company's brainchild - the 5G network - will receive a large development in Europe and the world and will bring the company even more profits, justifying investments in the amount of more than 40 billion US dollars.

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