Two screens 8K and price of 250,000 rubles: new details about Apple VR headset


The fact that Apple is widely interested in augmented reality - no news. But here is the development of our own VR glasses with the "apple" logo ... This is something new. While everyone was waiting for Apple augmented reality device like Apple Glass, in the company, it turns out, the virtual reality glasses developed. With some AR capabilities. The information was able to learn from your source to Apple, which, as usual, wished to remain unknown, exemplary characteristics of the new device and even its price. Appares, Apple makes Mac Pro, but among VR glasses.

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Apple decided not to use the iPhone in its garnity of mixed reality

Apple Virtual Reality Helmet

The mixed reality headset, which Apple develops will be equipped with more than 12 cameras to track the movements of the hands and demonstration of video from the real world to the user who will wear it. In addition, the helmet will have two super-high resolution of 8K and advanced viewing technology. Thanks to special sensors, the screens will capture where the user is watching, and depending on this adjust the content.

The presence of two 8K displays in the headset will make the quality of its image much higher than that of other headsets of this type. What to say is more than many high-class TVs with a resolution of 8K, which cost 200 thousand rubles and higher.

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Such may be mixed reality apple

According to the publication, the illustration of the apple mixed reality headset (above) was recreated on the basis of the render, which saw the source in Apple. As for the appearance of the device and the materials used, the recently issued by Airpods Max can give some tips on design. So, Apple can use aluminum as a housing in which there will be two 8K-display, and the Network from the AIRPODS MAX headband to fix the headset on the user's head.

Apple for many years has been working on technology that uses tracking to complete visualization of only those parts of the display to which the user is watching. This will allow the headset to display a lower quality schedule for user peripheral vision and reduce the computational needs of the device. In the main field of view, the helmet will display the image in the maximum resolution.

Price VR-helmem Apple

How much for all this will have to pay? As you already guessed, a lot. Much more than 300-1000 dollars for already existing virtual reality headsets from Facebook, Oculus and other companies. According to the source, familiar with Apple plans, the company considers the price around $ 3,000, which is much more starting price of the company's laptops. However, it is less than, for example, Microsoft asks for its Hololens 2 mixed reality headset, which is sold for $ 3500.

Obviously, with such a price, Apple will not be able to sell a lot of headsets, analysts consider. The main consumer, apparently, will be companies. This is the market on which Microsoft is focused with Hololens. For example, companies will be able to carry out interactive meetings of employees or even with partners with such a headset, leaving free both hands. Or develop new ways to educate employees in which they can better interact with the tasks. In fact, it is only worth incorporating fantasy - cases of using such a headset can be a lot. Including game, yes.

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An example of using augmented reality in operation. While it looks like a toy, but it's just the beginning

Apple probably considers this device as a step to the consumer product of augmented reality, which has received a wide name Apple Glasses.

Apple also works on a pair of light smart points designed to impose virtual objects in the real world. Before the release of this device for several years, and the company in the process of development faces serious technological problems. In October 2019, Apple reported to employees that hopes to release the headset in 2022, and glasses - by 2023. To be honest, I did not believe until the latter that the corporation will release something like that, but now ... I do not even know.

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