At the expert session discussed proposals for the program for the development of the region for health, ecology and sports

At the expert session discussed proposals for the program for the development of the region for health, ecology and sports 2780_1

On March 23, another expert session was held in the creative industrial cluster "Oktawa" in the formation of proposals for the development program of the Tula region at 2021-2026. Work on the program is carried out on behalf of Alexey Dyumin.

The topic of discussion is "healthy and strong region".

The Deputy Minister of Health of the Tula Region Mikhail Malishevsky noted that the main goal of the health care system is to achieve the expected life expectancy by 2030 over 77 years. Key priorities - preservation of people's health, increasing the availability and quality of medical care. The main mechanism of achieving the goal is the early detection of chronic noncommunicable diseases, primarily cardiovascular and onco-scabers, as well as the risk factors for their development.

By 2026, at least 70% of the inhabitants of the region should be covered by preventive inspections and dispensarization.

One of the key problems in health care is the liquidation of personnel deficit. By 2026, the number of doctors and medium medical personnel should be increased. Also among the tasks - digitalization of the health system, the development of online services for patients and telemedicine.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Tula Region Yury Panfilov reminded that in 2019 the Tula region moved to a new system of circulation of solid communal waste. The register of the accumulation of TKO for each municipal education is formed. Over the past two years, more than 3,300 container sites are built. This year, the work will continue.

Yuri Panfilov noted that new objects began to appear with the arrival of regional operators. In September 2020, in the territory of the TKO Polygon in the Dubensky district of the Tula region, the waste sorting complex was launched. Events on the commissioning of a new landfill TKO are completed, 1 stage of construction of a production and technical complex for treatment (processing and disposal) in Tula has been implemented. Work is underway to create an industrial complex of processing, disposal and placement of TKO in the Uzlovsky district. As a result of all this work in the region there will be only modern objects in the field of waste management.

The minister also stressed that industrial enterprises of the region are paying more attention to environmental activities. Since 2015, a systematic approach to ensuring environmental safety is applied in the region. In this regard, plans of environmental measures have been developed and agreed with all major industrial enterprises of the region until 2024.

As Yuri Panfilov noted, another important event is clearing aquatic facilities in the territory of the Tula region. In the Region, no first year is working to restore water bodies. From 2021 to 2022, within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" are scheduled:

• Clearing plots r. Cyshevon in the Uzlovsky and Kireevsky districts (in the area of ​​N.P. Dedilovo);

• clearing area p. Skniga with influx in the area of ​​N.P. Strahovsky Zaoksky district;

• clearing area p. Don in P. Epifan Kimovsky district;

• Development of design and estimate documentation for clearing the clerk of the Shchekinsky reservoir in the city of Soviet of the Shchekinsky district.

The Minister of Sports of the Tula region Andrei Zhuravlev noted that the main task is to create all the conditions for systematic practices and sports, conducting a healthy lifestyle. For this, a lot of work is being done on the development of sports infrastructure.

Thus, in 2021, the commissioning of three covered ice arenaments in Efremov, Tula and Shchekino, a football field in P. Revyakino Yasnogorsk district, 25 multifunctional sports fields under the Gazprom - Children's Municipalities in the municipalities of the region, two physical education complexes In Tula and one - in Odoye, the Palace of Martial Arts "Arena - Tula". In addition, in the framework of the federal project "Sport - the norm of life" in the current year will be placed an open-fitting complex at the central stadium in Tula.

In 2022, it is planned to put into operation Fock in Yasnogorsk and an indoor training playpen with a football field in Tula, complete the reconstruction of the cycle market. In 2023, a physical education complex with an athletics Manege on Gazprom-Children will begin its work in Tula.

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