"Memory" to Coronavirus was revealed in the body


"Memory" to Coronavirus was revealed in the body

Pandemic Coronavirus became the most large-scale event for humanity last year, but in 2021, scientists and doctors have to do a lot of work for victory over a pandemic. It is for this reason that COVID-19 studies are still continuing, because Constant mutation and the emergence of new strains can question the effectiveness of existing vaccines.

On January 23, it became known about the new discovery of scientists, which is in the presence of a special mechanism in the body, which scientists called immunity memory. The immune system is able to help the body in the fight against coronaviruses, if a person has already had one of the strains of SARS-COV-2.

The author's work of scientists from the University of Northern Arizona and the Research Institute of translational genomics was published in the Cell Reports Medicine edition. During the study of viruses of the MERS-COV and SARS-COV-1 family, as well as 4 other subspecies, it was found that SARS-COV-2 is capable of provoking the antibody reaction in the body to the virus, if a person has already been a carrier of this type of viruses .

Infectious player John Alin is one of the development co-authors. He noted the following:

"And this means that we can already have some degree of previously existing immunity to this virus"

Moreover, John Alin also told about the peculiarity of immunity, which consists in the possibility of antibodies to contact the cells of the virus. This study is of great importance for scientists who are engaged in the development of vaccine, as well as for early diagnosis of the presence of coronavirus in the human body. New virus strains are only an improved copy, but the body is able to recognize them and suppress them.

The authors of scientific work are also confident that the results of their work will help explain the form of disease in infected with coronavirus. It is known that some people are easier form, and others have an average and heavy, which can lead to various health complications. If scientists understand the cause of this, then vaccines can be more efficient.

Recall that during the epidemic in the world, almost 98.5 million cases of contamination of coronavirus infection were revealed. In Russia, this indicator is about 3.6 million infected with the virus. A total of 2 million people died from COVID-19.

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