The government presented a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin


The government presented a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin

The government presented a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin

Astana. 28 January. KazTAG - Government presented a new version of the Kazakh alphabet in Latinet, the agency reports.

"The improved alphabet includes 31 the symbol of the base system of the Latin alphabet, fully covered by 28 sounds of the Kazakh language. Specific sounds of the Kazakh language ә (Ä), ө (Ö), ү (ü), ұ (ū) and ғ (ğ), w (ş) are denoted by diacritical symbols: ̈ (̈), macron (ˉ), seeding (̧) , Brevis (̌), which are often used in international practice, "the press service of the Government reported on Thursday the meeting of the National Commission on the Translation of the Alphabet of the Kazakh language to Latin schedule.

As stated in the Cabinet, "the alphabet corresponds to the principle of" one sound is one letter ", enshrined in the written practice of the Kazakh language."

The phased transition to the new alphabet is planned from 2023 to 2031.

"The improved version of the alphabet will give a new impetus to the development of the Kazakh language and will contribute to its upgrades in accordance with modern trends. In the coming period, it is necessary to carry out greater preparatory work on the gradual transition to the Latin schedule of the Kazakh language, "said Prime Minister Askar Mamin.

He instructed to conduct a broad information and explanatory work among the population on the improved alphabet of the Kazakh language based on Latin graphics.

Recall, in October 2017, the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree "On the translation of the Kazakh language alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin schedule." He instructed the government to "form the National Commission for the Translation of the Alphabet of the Kazakh language to Latin schedule, to ensure the phased translation of the Kazakh language alphabet to Latin graphics until 2025," as well as take other measures to implement the Decree, "including organizational and legislative."

On November 9, 2020, the President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev said that the work on the introduction of the Latin alphabet should be carried out gradually.

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