Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning


    Good afternoon, my reader. Carrot seeds are pretty small and very lungs. It is not possible to sow them evenly without the use of tricks. To avoid thinning and get smooth rows, you can use the methods below.

    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning 2759_1
    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning

    Cultivation of carrots (Photo used by standard license ©

    The indisputable advantage of this method is the possibility of its preparation at any time of the year. Billets can be made even in winter, when the time is not spent on the cultivation of seedlings, the peroxide of the earth and other studies.

    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning 2759_2
    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning

    Painting on paper (photo with

    Required tools:

    • toilet paper (quality does not matter);
    • starch for making alee;
    • scissors;
    • Dry carrots seeds.;
    • tweezers, or toothpick, or cotton wand;
    • Packets, which are easy to distribute different varieties of carrots.

    The process of sowing seeds on the toilet paper is quite simple, but very tedious - you have to be patient. Consists of the following steps:

    1. Manufacturing alee. For 1 glass of boiling water, it is necessary to take 1 tsp. Starch, mix the components and cool the mixture.
    2. Toilet paper is cut into stripes corresponding to the width of the bed. Then along 2-3 bands.
    3. Gently, with the use of starch, carrot seeds are glued to the prepared bands at a distance of 4 cm from each other.
    4. After the procedures conducted, there are a complete drying of the starch and gently fold the ribbons into the rolls.
    5. Rolls are stacked in packages, carrot variety is written on packages.

    In the spring, when the time comes to sow carrots, it is enough to get the prepared rollers and decompose them on the beds. Ribbons with seeds sprinkle the earth and watered with warm water.

    To carry out this procedure, a small linen bag, seeds and a marked place on the plot are required.

    Seed germination consists of the following steps:

    1. Seeds are placed in the bag.
    2. The bag with seeds is lowered in warm water.
    3. While the bag and seeds in it are wedged, the pit of a depth of shovels is digging on the garden.
    4. The seeds are stacked in the pit, the earth falls asleep.
    5. From above, any sign that helps identify the place is installed.
    6. Two weeks later, the bag is neatly digging.
    7. The wokeered seeds are stirred with sand and seed into beds.

    It is possible to carry out sowing without sand, as wakeful seeds are more convenient for sowing, unlike dry.

    A manual seeder, equipped with a long handle, will relieve from the extra effort and inconvenience associated with the sowing of carrots.

    Make a seeder can be made of plastic jar. The main thing is that it was flat and round. Usually in such banks sell herring or seafood.

    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning 2759_3
    Proven ways to easily sow carrots with smooth rows without subsequent thinning

    Seeder (photo with APG.LAND)

    In the center of the bank you need to insert a bolt in a plastic tube, which will be attached to the handle of the seeder. The ends of the cans picked up a hot seer or thin nail at a distance of 3 cm. The holes should be a little more carrot seeds.

    The seed drill cover is equipped with a hole in which the seeds fall asleep. To avoid their rash, the hole is equipped with a lid, which opens to the side and is attached to the wire.

    After sowing, the beds fall asleep with the help of Rabel.

    Carrot seeds are long in the soil, and the weed herbs have time to float the first germination. Weeding often leads to the fact that partings are removed with weeds.

    Onions boils faster than carrots, which means clearly denotes the places that temporarily can not be gone. The sharp smell that the bow possesses is capable of drowning the carrot fly and save shoots from the destruction.

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