Otar Kushanashvili is shocked by the ugly act Leonid Agutin


Journalist still can't come to himself

Otar Kushanashvili is shocked by the ugly act Leonid Agutin 2754_1
Otar Kusnashvili, Leonid Agutin, Actualnews.org

50-year-old Otar considered Leonid Agutin his friend. But after what happened - he lost the gift of speech and finds the behavior of the composer with betrayal towards him.

The incident occurred in the summer of last year, when many representatives of the Russian show business complained about their launched. Otar Shalvovich treated praise Agutin, and he in response posted his three-story mat ...

As Otar recalls, he said the words of approval against Leonid, who did not complain about the lack of earnings. According to Kusnashvili, Agutin would never express discontent about the lack of money, since he lived. However .. Leonid did not appreciate the diffirable Otara and cursed a mat:

The person I praised at every step writes to me a tirade, knowing my phone numbers: "Yes, you *****! I won't buy home bread! "I was shocked! I proceeded from the urgement so that he would be ascended over the suffering people, because he was an artist. And the artist, as Aizenshpis taught me, has no right to complain about life!

- Tried Showman on NTV.

I must say, Otar Shalvovich does not give up. In the Studio "Secret on Million," he admitted that until the end of his days "does not tear" with Agutin, seeking apologies.

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