Modern children often suffer from chronic stress: the findings of scientists

Modern children often suffer from chronic stress: the findings of scientists 2744_1

Where does children come from and how to defeat it?

Chronic stress is the problem of many parents. But studies have shown that children face this problem as often as adults, especially in such a difficult time, as now.

The report of the American Research Center for Child Health states that chronic stress is experiencing about 10 percent of children aged 3 to 17 years. Health problems related to stress are observed in 35 percent of children in the United States. Indicators have noticeably increased over the past 10 years.

Causes of chronic stress

One of the main causes of chronic stress in children is a family atmosphere. At the same time, parents often do not even suspect that their children pass through serious tests for the psyche.

Another reason is an injury among peers, especially cyberbulling. If at a time when Internet communication was not strongly developed, the children could relax from the school at home, now she never stops. The child is constantly tense, since at any time someone can write a unpleasant comment about him in social networks or to post offend meme with his photo.

Increased learning load also leads to the appearance of stress. Schoolchildren are experiencing due to exams, control, admission to universities and colleges.

Chronic stress expresses in a decrease in concentration, sleep disorders, sudden closetness, constant alarm, aggressiveness or physical manifestations, like headache, abdominal pain and even muscle pain.

How to help your child?

If the stress in the child took a serious character, then it is worth consulted with the doctor. Only a specialist can put the correct diagnosis. If a child, let's say, not stress, and depression, then we will not help with the advice, because when depressed, a person has violated biochemical processes.

Parents can help the child cope with a small stress in simple ways. Watch it to resist enough and fed. Cut it with him more time for joint classes and be sure to understand that it is very important for you.

Explain to the child how to cope with stress. If the child is small, then you can read him children's books on this topic and discuss with him how to deal with negative emotions, on the example of literary heroes. Help him develop stressful factors in itself.

Finally, do not forget to express your love for your child. Let him know - whatever happens, Mom and Dad will always support.

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