How to sharpen knives


Most of those who are used to themselves to sharpen knives at home, use Musat - a tool with a long rod - and do not suspect that they make a mistake. Musat can align the cutting edge, but for real sharpening a knife at home, a different tool is needed.

"Take and do" shares instructions and important advice who will really help return the sharpness of kitchen knives.

Knife sharpening tools

How to sharpen knives 2722_1

The grinding stones are used to sharpen knives and differ from the type of material from which the level of grain is made. ❗ The grain parameter is indicated on the stone numbers: the greater the number, the smaller it will be grain. For example, a stone with a grit 250 is suitable for repair and coarse sharpening of the blade, because the grain on its surface is large. And the stone with graininess is 1,000 and more used for the final sharpening and grinding of the blade. Musat is like a file with a circular or oval cross section and actually lines the cutting edge. This tool is recommended to use as often as possible, it is desirable once a week to support knives with sharp and straight, as well as at the final stage after using a grinding stone.

How to get sick knives

How to sharpen knives 2722_2

Step # 1. Specify whether the manufacturer recommends immersing the grinding stone into water before use. If necessary, drop it into the water container. Wait for the bubbles of air out of the stone.

How to sharpen knives 2722_3

Step number 2. Remove the stone from the tank with water and put on the table, laying under the stone towel or paper napkin. In some cases, a special stand is included with a sharpening tool, which can be put on it. Most of the bilateral stones: on one side, the graininess is greater, to the other - less. If the knife is very stupid, put the stone to that side upwards in which the grains are larger (grain parameter is less than 1,000). In the opposite case, use the other side.

How to sharpen knives 2722_4

Step # 3. Touch the tip of the knife to the stone and at an angle of 10 degrees, swipe the knife forward, up to the edge of the blade next to the handle. The stone should touch the entire surface of the blade edge. After sharpening the blade on the one hand, in the same way and holding the knife in the same hand, sharpen it with the blade on the other side.

How to sharpen knives 2722_5

Important: In the process of work, the stone will dry, so periodically water it with a small amount of water.

How to sharpen knives 2722_6

Step No. 4. Take Musat. Keep it vertically to the end touching the table (you can put under the rod napkin).

How to sharpen knives 2722_7

Step number 5. The edge of the blade, which is closer to the knife handle, touch the Musat rod. Keep the blade at an angle of 10 degrees relative to the rod. Spend a knife along the rod so that the edge of the blade from the edge of the handle to the tip of the knife touched Musat.

How to sharpen knives 2722_8

Step number 6. Then, holding a knife in the same hand, repeat the action on the other side of the blade. Perform these movements, touching Musatat with different sides of the blade alternately until the knife blade reaches the desired condition. IMPORTANT: If you have sharpened a knife with a large grain, removing the burr a musatom, sharpen the knife again using a stone with small grain, and then process it again.

How to check the knife sharpness

How to sharpen knives 2722_9

Take a sheet of paper in hand. Keep the blade knife perpendicular to the edge of the sheet. Lower the knife down: if the blade is well sharpened, it will easily cut the paper (it does not need to perform cutting movements).

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