Billions of rubles for adding retirees: named indexing options for pensions working

Billions of rubles for adding retirees: named indexing options for pensions working 2720_1

The Presidential Administration is currently being considered three options for indexing pensions to working citizens, "Moscow Komsomolets" reports with reference to the source in the government. Official information about how the indexation will be carried out, no - the document is classified. However, experts are confident that there are three probable scenarios.

Recall that the President Vladimir Putin was commissioned the annual indexation of pensions last year. The government fulfilled the order on February 1, as the press secretary of President Dmitry Sadkov told. The document was sent to the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. According to the source "MK", ​​there are three options for the development of events.

Index all rear

The first implies an indexation of insurance pensions working on the general reasons since 2022. This option indirectly hinted the head of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. She reported that the indexation is logical to start with a new three-year budget cycle, so that resources necessary for indexing can be provided in the planned order.

The new three-year cycle will start from 2022. But pensioners may have a question, but what should be with the indexation of those payments that were charged from 2016 to 2021 - it was during this period of pensions to the workers who did not increase citizens.

Most likely, with each pensioner, the calculation of the "rear number" will be carried out individually when he will dismiss from work. As the source in the government explained, such a scenario suits the Ministry of Finance, because no more than 100 billion rubles will be needed on the indexation.

Enhance only for selected

Another option to develop events is indexing pensions only with certain categories of citizens. For example, disabled or those who receive the minimum retirement. All steel will receive indexation individually when dismissing from work. This option will be even saving the previous one.

Indexation for all the years freezing

The most optimistic option is the refund of indexation for all working pensioners without exception over the past five years "Moraitorium". However, the payments themselves, which, with this option, according to different estimates, can be 1-2 trillion rubles, which will be a heavy load for the scarce budget.

By the way, spending on refund of indexation can be much more planned. The fact is that after the introduction of frost, many citizens began to work unofficially, so as not to lose the increase, now they can get out of the shadows. According to different estimates, the indexation will require from 65 to 500 billion per year of additional budget spending.

What option is most likely?

Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Alexander Safonov is confident that the first option is the most viable.

"In the place of the authorities, I would follow this way: from 2022, under the new budget cycle, to begin indexing insurance pensions to working retirees on the general reasons," he explained.

Teletede's chef Petr Pushkarev is confident that the government will stop on the best for the budget, but not for pensioners.

"Return the indexing mechanism itself, but with the calculation that calculating the increase will begin from the current level of pensions, which was not indexed since 2015. And as a result, it will only cease to increase the unjust and fifth year expanding "fork" between pensions of working and non-working retirees, "he said.

Associate Professor of the Department of "Development of Human Capital" Ra them. Plekhanova Natalia Ivanova - the sickness believes that there is a fourth version of the decision of the presidential task.

"Immediately index pensions and fully settle with debts in front of all working pensioners in the past five years. For the elderly, as a rule, with no bigger income, such an alignment is the most profitable, "the expert explained.

However, she noted that with the fourth version it would be necessary to find a very significant amount, and therefore the Ministry of Finance will resist.

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