Or sch, or distract. Two vectors of Russian youth policy

Or sch, or distract. Two vectors of Russian youth policy 2706_1

More than ten thousand administrative cases and dozens of criminal, are already placed under house arrest potential protest leaders. And only then in Saratov, a kind of event was held in Saratov, in which participants - mostly teachers and university teachers told that, in their opinion, you need to do with modern angry young people. New, however, nothing was said. For in our country there are only two vector youth politics - or schish (punish, educate) or distract. The teacher and the class teacher of the Pedagogical College of Oksana Kalashnikova declared the need to control and "adjust" the behavior and worldview of students - including resorting to the help of security officials.

She repeatedly stated the need to "adjust deviations", which students, according to her, can resist.

"We have smart students and can hide their social networks from the class teacher, seeing that the class teacher tracks their content and can scold. I would like to interact with the specialists of the digital division of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region so that they help us track the behavior of students out of college. "

The second point of view was also presented - the Deputy Head of the Department of Sociology of Youth Sociological Faculty of SSU, Olga Munina, proposed the second mechanism - to distract. " It is more effective, but constantly will have to think through the platforms, oversee the organizers to forward a young man when his interest runs out. "

The presence of only two of these mechanisms noted in its material my colleague Timur Aralbayev.

Among the opponents of the distraction, he allocated Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always speaking with an extravagant statement: "I want to offer you an option that not everyone likes. You can put on a vote, I assure you, 30 percent will support. Let's open public houses in all major cities, "said Zhirinovsky Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to him, Russian youth is unmarried bachelors who have nowhere to give their energy. According to Zhirinovsky, this measure will help two or three times to reduce the aggressiveness of young people. Solidarity with him, however, not in such an extreme form and novice politician Zakhar Prilepin. According to him, the state is forced to defend himself for the calmness of the majority of citizens, but at the same time young people should have any forms of "action, streakter and other things that they will not be rejected. I think that there is a simple enough exit - to make a simplified system of matching rallies and a tightened system of working with inconsistent rallies. That is, young people should have a huge amount and opportunities to speak, picket, walk with posters, come to the departmental buildings in some quantity. But if it is impossible, then it is impossible. And so around the world, "said Prilepin.

The ideologist of the upbringing was performed by Patriarch Kirill. He believes that young men and girls are literally falling in madness, "losing all sorts of life guidelines and urged parents to form believers in children who could give" worthy to interpret all destructive influences. The most influence on the formation of a person is his parents. "

Anything, but the upbringing in its Orthodox interpretation is based on violence. This principle is also enshrined in the Russian mentality and Russian folklore - "Teach (Pori) it, while across the shop is placed." - Person Popular Proverb. But in the dogmas of the church, you can find a lot of similar. For it is said in the Bible: "Who regrets his rogues, he hates his son; And who loves, he punishes him since childhood "(Prover. 13:25). "Rogging and glory give wisdom; But the tags left in negligence makes shame of his mother "(Prov. 29:12).

Supporters of the hard punishment of young people are looking for inspiration in the deeds of former times. Ex-adviser to the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region, director of the regional institution "Government for Citizens" Svetlana Onena Svetlana suggested sending all protesters for forced work or to the army. In his social networks, she wrote that, if her will, would have made a decree and all young people who requiring change, sent to the army, and girls for forced work. Opanayshev also supported the idea of ​​deducting from universities of students involved in inconsistent promotions.

"It is also new, new, new as the name of Petrov," wrote Sasha's poet in his time. For the practice of "singing" in the soldiers of participants in student excitement was popular in the royal times.

Good is the statements of private individuals - popular, not very popular and completely unknown as, for example, Madame Opaneyshev. Well, what is the state?

Hardly disperse protest shares and punishing no less severe participants, the state in youth policy returned to its former occupation - imitation of violent activities. Yes, there is a federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosomoloda), led by Alexander Bulaev. The last entry on the website of the department refers to November 3 last year.

"November 3, 2020, Arctic activities. On a single plan of measures to implement the basics of Russia's state policy in the Arctic. "

Do you know that in Russia 300 instruments created by the state for interaction with young people. In general, the bureaucratic system of the farm to create an abundance of various administrative instruments, but this does not mean the effectiveness of its application and a positive result. All these numerous quasi-formations like "walking together", "ours", "unarm", as if youth competitions and everything else. The effect of the activity of zero, is understandable, except for the core of the means. In addition, this year is scheduled to reduce the cost of youth policy by 12 percent.

However, the Russian bureaucracy is not stopped in their turbulent inventive activities, the fruit is one simulacro after another. For example, 2022 in all regions of Russia will be a competition for the post of advisors to school principals. This is a plus to the fact that in all schools there are positions of the worship for educational work. For advisors, the educators provides for a monthly surcharge of 15 thousand rubles. People in this position will have to communicate with schoolchildren, including about rallies and other political issues.

The coordianizer of the competition advisor competitions together with the Ministry of Education is the Russian movement of schoolchildren RDSH, one more is not clear what the structure established in 2015 by the decree of President Vladimir Putin. He heads the RDS Irina Pleschev, in the past, working in the government of the Moscow region and the "Ours" movement.

Pleschev stated Kommersant that educators should know what modern schoolchildren live, and integrate children in socially significant events. Pleschev stressed that special attention should be paid to teenagers who were detained on unauthorized promotions: "It is necessary that they do not feel the malice or that they are abandoned." Irina Plesen itself demonstrated knowledge of [youth] and possession of social networks on the eve of January 23. She wrote that people go to the streets when they did not understand them, and their "sense of importance and significance would not disunity about the riot police": "This will happen the next day. When bright guys come and put everything you know, will begin to hammer for the St. George ribbons on May 9 and for not scoring for a grandfather who fought ... And then you may be, and you can dock everything, but you can change everything You can only your own, so hateful you, but your country. Do not try to lure it, try to change. "

Imagine how much irony and steb caused these attempts to fake for youth slang. And - to the reduction of Ms Plescheva - the grandchildren of the soldiers of the war did not at seventeen to twenty years, but under forty at least.

As shown flushes of protesters on the streets, do not bring results. According to sociologists, the number of ready-made participation in protest shares is still large and reaches 20 percent. And they will be larger as the economic situation deteriorates. Bighters about the cunning West, which, in the opinion of the State Duma deputies, and provokes the protest activity of young people, no one, in addition to the deputies, do not believe, while they themselves all these horrors and replicate. But how can you distract young people from protests? The fact that the leadership of the country is seriously taken for reforms, instead of infinitely to preserve the current political and economic situation.

Young people, and the entire population of the country should see that the government seeks to replace the leadership, and not to the infinite board of the same people. To resolve real political activities, and not to imitation of it, people want to see honest elections and participate in them, knowing that something will depend on their voices. They want to see a real struggle with corruption, and not playing with Gelendzhik Palace. They want to stop the political repression and hypocritical confrontation with the West, when the fathers of Yellow students and owners of villas in Nice tell us about cunning abroad. Many things can still be included in this list, but power, swallowing in their bastions, does not intend to yot to give way to Iot. This means - the semen - not a piece, raise - do not pick up, distract me - do not distract - all this will be useless. Including the so-called youth policy.

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