Scientists told about the fair benefit of excess weight for the human body


Scientists told about the fair benefit of excess weight for the human body 2687_1

Russian scientists conducted a study, during which the aspects of benefits and harm to the excess body of the body on human health are learned. Contrary to the problem, it turned out that in certain cases, the body of complete people has increased protection against the impact of hazardous external factors.

The starting point of the study was a scientific job called "Climate Changes and Health: Assessment, Indicators, Forecasts", initiated by domestic doctors for ten years ago and due to an abnormal summer heat that had a place in 2010. Since then, the database of the knowledge of the researchers has been improved annually and complemented by the new results of tests and analytical calculations. During them, it turned out that the presence of excess body weight is not a prerequisite for fatal outcome or cardiovascular problems when exposed to elevated outer temperatures. On the contrary, as evidenced by a number of scientific data, the body weight and the quality of protection of the human body have a clearly positive mutual correlation. Such dynamics is caused by the functioning of the fatty layer as a protective buffer that protects the internal organs from overheating.

It is noted that the indicator of the specific thermal conductivity of fatty tissues has a lower value compared to other tissues of the body, and this causes the successful propension of subcutaneous tissue to prevent the passage of the inside the body of excess heat. That is why experts say, obese people have greater sensitivity to moderate thermal stress. However, it should not be forgotten that, if the ambient temperature is exceeded, a similar parameter of human skin, thin people demonstrate a slower dynamics of heat loss through radiation and convection per unit of mass than full.

In addition, scientists recalled that the exposure to high temperatures is fraught with hazardous consequences in the form of diabetes mellitus, lung diseases, various neurological and mental diseases, problems with stomach and kidneys, and also can adversely affect sleep. At the same time, according to specialists, under the "heat" means the presence of three or more consecutive days with the average daily temperatures above plus 23 degrees Celsius.

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