Why is shell for chickens be necessary to process and does it affect its properties

Why is shell for chickens be necessary to process and does it affect its properties 2676_1

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Some people began to write that we are wrong. Say, the shell does not need to be processed. Grandmother all his life gave her chickens as it is, and nothing, all alive. And they said that after the temperature processing of the shell becomes useless.

Let's figure it out that these statements are wrong.

Yes, many people give a church of the shell, without treating it and nothing happens to the churars. But this does not speak in favor of what it does not need to be processed. Just these people were lucky. The same situation like riding a motorcycle without a helmet.

Why? Everything is simple. We process the shell to destroy the infection that is possible on it. The most dangerous (but not the only one) of such infections - Salmonella.

Some people think that if it is their chickens and they do not hurt - the infections are still uneasy. But it is not at least for two reasons.

  1. The disease comes unexpectedly. It is naive to believe that Salmonella appears in chickens from birth and lives with them all his life. Today, the chicken may be healthy, and the next day to become a checker infection. And you will not notice it.
  2. Even if you do not pick up a new bird in a chicken, it does not mean that your security chickens. Chickens are often in contact with wild birds. The same sparrows fly to the bird courtyard to lay the grains and drink water.

We still wrote that only waterfowl was transferred to Salmonella. Nothing like this! Even mammals are transferred.

Now about the fact that the favorable or calcined shell is useless. Of course, it is also wrong. We give her chimes for calcium. Yes, there are other elements in its composition. But the most important thing for us in this situation is calcium. And in the composition of the outer shell of its eggs - 95%. In the teaspoon of cleaning it from 800 to 1000 mg.

If the calcium was really "digestible" or "nailed", the shell would have become soft, as it sometimes happens at chickens with improper nutrition. Therefore, the element we need does not go anywhere during thermal processing.

And we once laid out video with eggs found in the wall of the 100-year-old house. Until you take in your hands - do not distinguish from fresh. We recommend to see.

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