What vaccine is better to be vaccinated: "satellite V" or "Epivakkoron"?


Since the beginning of December, only doctors, teachers, urban social services and people with chronic diseases vaccinated in Russia. From January 18, everyone may be free. By the end of January, more than 2 million doses of vaccine should be put in hospitals and clinics.

Two vaccines are available for vaccination in Russia: "Satellite V" and "Epivakkoron". We tell what the difference between them, and which one is better to be vaccinated.

What vaccine is better to be vaccinated:

Features Vaccine "Satellite V"

• This vaccine was registered first in the world. Its developer - National Research Center named after N.F. Gamalei.

• Efficiency of the vaccine: 91.4%, according to the vaccine site. The scientific community puts the performance of its effectiveness.

• How much doses are required: 2 doses with a 3-week interval. Introduced intramuscularly.

• Vaccine type: adenoviral, that is, made on the basis of vectors in which there is a coronavirus protein gene. A dehydrated virus is delivered to the body, which in the body are produced by antibodies that protect it from infection in the future.

• How much immunity is preserved: immunity to coronavirus after vaccination "Satellite V" should be maintained up to 2 years. After that, you need to pass a re-vaccination.

Features of the vaccine "Epivakkoron"

• The second Vaccine registered in Russia, created by the State Scientific Center "Vector" in the Novosibirsk region.

• Efficiency: in Rospotrebnadzor stated that the effectiveness of the vaccine is 100%.

• How much doses are required: as well as "satellite V", 2 doses are introduced intramuscularly with an interval of 3 weeks.

• Type: peptide vaccine, that is, it consists of artificially created viral proteins that do not cause disease, and the body is taught to recognize and attack the virus.

• How much immunity is saved: "Vector" still learns how often the vaccine will have to do. After two-time vaccination, the vaccination must be done again in about 6-10 months. For stable immunity, the vacuum will be required once every 3 years.

What vaccine is better to be vaccinated?

There are questions about both vaccines. In Russia, they were not tested in clinical research, and they were immediately tested in humans. Also embarrassment of the effectiveness of the "epivakoron" in 100% and doubts of the scientific community in the real effectiveness of the "satellite V".

Be that as it may, there are no other vaccines yet, European and American vaccines are not going to supply us yet. In addition, there are serious disadvantages from foreign analogues. The preferred option for vaccination in Russia today is represented by the "satellite V", but before vaccination, it is necessary to consult with specialists.

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