In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the project of initiative budgeting "Decide!" 2021

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the project of initiative budgeting

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the project of the initiative budgeting "to solve you!" Was started. From February 15 to March 15, residents can make proposals for improving the quality of life in the settlements of the region. The project is implemented on the basis of the Local Initiative Support Program (PPM).

"No one knows better than the residents that need to be done primarily so that life in the settlement has become more comfortable. When people themselves offer decisions, vote for them or participate in financing, it changes the attitude to work. The level of responsibility of local authorities for the implementation of initiatives increases, "Gleb Nikitin said the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

As Gleb Nikitin noted, the initiative projects are divided into eight nominations: "Our roads", "our memory", "our yard", "Sport for everyone!", "All the best - children!", "Public spaces", "Our infrastructure "And" Our Initiative "(for projects that did not fall into other nominations, for example, related to the repair of libraries or houses of culture).

"The Nizhny Novgorod region is traditionally one of the leaders in the country to introduce initiative budgeting mechanisms. On the implementation of the project "You decide" in the budget of 2021, 730 million rubles have already been laid, "said the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Residents will be able not only to offer their projects, but help them defeat the competition to get financing. To do this, it is necessary to create an initiative group with a number of at least ten people, to obtain the support of countrymen at the occasion, meeting or conference of citizens, and from March 16 - to vote for your project on the site. It is support for citizens when voting will be a key indicator for the Competition Commission when making a decision on project support. Among the remaining criteria for evaluating projects - social efficiency, the readiness of the residents to take direct participation in the implementation (non-financial contribution), as well as the initiative payment (from the population or sponsors), which residents are determined independently. The initiative payment may be up to 1% of the cost of the project. The rest of the financing takes on the regional and local budgets.

Information about participation in the project is available on the site to make firm.

Recall, last year Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on initiative budgeting at the municipal level.


How to participate in the project:

  • 1 step - you are the initiative group from at least ten people who already have at least 16 years and who live in the territory of the relevant municipality. You can declare the desire to implement an initiative project. The initiative can also perform organs of the Tos or Rural Older.
  • 2 step - you need to organize a gathering, a meeting or conference of citizens, discuss this project and decide on its support. Opinion can also be expressed by survey, collecting signatures of citizens.
  • 3 Step - the initiative group conveys a project to the local administration on the prescribed form by attaching the publication protocol, the results of the survey or the subscription sheets with the confirmation of the project by residents of the municipality.
  • 4 Step - Employees of administrations together with representatives of initiative groups are preparing a set of documents for participation in the competition of projects of initiative budgeting "to solve!". Until March 15, the application for subsidies from the regional budget is sent to the Ministry of Internal, Regional and Municipal Policy.
  • 5 Step - You need to take an active part in the voting to support initiative projects, which will be available from March 16 on the site. Maschat.rf. The initiatives who scored the greatest number of votes are rated above and have a chance to obtain a subsidy from the regional budget for the project's implementation already this year.
  • 6 Step - Competition Commission until May 1 will select initiative projects. You can learn about the results of the selection on the website of the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy:
  • 7 Step - After declaring the winners of the competitive selection, local administrations organize work on project implementation. You can control the implementation of the project and take direct participation - to contribute to the work of personal labor or the provision of the necessary materials, technicians, etc.

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