When does Puansettia appear buds? How to make the plant blossom?

When does Puansettia appear buds? How to make the plant blossom? 2633_1

Poinsettia or Bethlehem Star - an incredibly beautiful plant of the family of Rochetia. It blooms usually in winter. And a number of uncomplicated, competent manipulations will allow her to do this guaranteed and in a timely manner.

Flowering: When it starts, how long does it last, what does it look like in the photo?

Small and unspiref flowers Poinsettia are usually painted in yellow-green, pink or white shades. They do not represent any decorative value as long as the end of the year does not occur the period of pigmentation of bracts. Such a name is the leaves located on the top of the decorative plant around the inflorescence. As a rule, they are collected in a rosette having a star shape.


The effect of poinsettia during flowering period is the crumbling sheets - bracts.

Leaves that create a pleasant decorative impression can be bright red, lilac, white-pink or cream. In all its glory, the plant usually appears by the end of December. With proper care, this coloring of the bracts is kept from four to six months.

Further in the photo you can see how the Christmas star blooms:

When does Puansettia appear buds? How to make the plant blossom? 2633_2

Why doesn't plant bloom?


Poansettia always responds to the right departure timely and lush flowering. But occasionally a capricious plant may refuse to dissolve the crumbling sheets.

This may occur for such reasons:

  • lack of regular irrigation;
  • lack of heat or light;
  • dry air indoors where the plant is located;
  • transplant during the formation of buds;
  • Lack of competent trimming;
  • insufficient feeding;
  • uncomfortable big pot;
  • Unhabled rest period.

To understand why a red or other Christmas star does not bloom, it is necessary to determine what is missing for your plant and eliminate the problem.

What to do to make dial buds?

When does Puansettia appear buds? How to make the plant blossom? 2633_3

In order to achieve a guaranteed blossom from the green inhabitant at home, it is necessary to provide it such a thing as high-quality care. And the general recommendations in the form of compliance with the regime of watering, feeding and lighting here can not do.


In the annual life cycle of Poinsettia, there are 3 periods that differ in the rules of care.

And only after fulfilling all the conditions, it will be possible to guarantee the bloom of an excellent plant to Catholic Christmas.

Phases of the life cycle of the green pet:

  1. Peace (March-April).
  2. Active Vegetation (May-November).
  3. Preparation for the next flowering (September-November).

With the onset of the rest period approaches the time of flowering plants, the bracts begin to be down. Together with them, the leaves can also find partially. An explicit sign of the occurrence of this phase can be considered the appearance of green mass on top of the flying bracts.

Care at this stage is as follows:

  • The plant is placed in a shaded place with a temperature of 12-15 degrees of heat;
  • cut the flower, leaving shoots up to 10 cm high;
  • Minimize watering, allowing the complete drying of the earth coma.

In a state of rest, the flower must be 1.5-2 months.

With the arrival of heat in Poansettia begins the period of active vegetation. It appears young shoots and leaves, the root system grows. In this phase, such care should be ensured:

  1. Transplant to a new loose and moisture-permeable soil. Important! The pot should choose a roomier previous one.
  2. Moving a flower on a light, warm windowsill. You can take a balcony. The place of content should protect the poinsettia from direct sunlight, as they can provoke the occurrence of a foliage burn. Embossingly install a pot with a plant on draft.
  3. Ensuring the temperature of the content in the range of 16-25 ° C.
  4. Moderate watering. After the top layer of the soil is dry by a couple of centimeters, it is necessary to carry out another irrigation. Water released from drainage holes immediately drain, in order to avoid rotting the root system.
  5. Supporting by universal fertilizers or nutritional mixtures for decorative deciduous plants.
  6. The beginning of the formation of an updated Poinsettia. As soon as the plant goes into growth, you should choose about 6 of the strongest shoots, and the remaining cut. Thus, it will be possible to form a compact and thick crown.

Next comes preparation for flowering. In order to provide a bookmark of Poansettia kidney under normal roomms, it is necessary to create an environment close to its natural habitat. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. From the end of September from 6 o'clock a century to 8 wt, start to cover the poinsettical cardboard box, a dense dark plastic bag or remove it into the closet.
  2. To transfer the plant heated greenhouse or a non-residential room, where there is no artificial lighting.
When does Puansettia appear buds? How to make the plant blossom? 2633_4

In the absence of complete darkness, the bracts will surely cover with ugly dark stains.


In the morning you need to return the pot to the previous place. In complete dark, the plant should spend at least 12 hours.

All this time, it is necessary to continue to water the green inhabitant of the windowsill warm, estimated with water. It is possible to exercise only after grazing the soil half a pot. Also remember to make fertilizers for decorative and blooming 1 time per week.

At the end of November, all manipulations stop and expose poinsettia on a light windowsill. After time, buds will appear on it, and follow the colorful bracts.

Next to the blooming Bethlehem star can not be placed dishes with apples, pears or bananas. They highlight ethylene, which will cause rapidly fading bracts.

It is not so difficult to get the flowering room poinsettics. It is necessary to observe all conditions of content and prevent the occurrence of stressful situations for it. Proper watering, feeding, trimming and, most importantly, the light day will be a guarantee that the Christmas star will definitely please you with timely and long blossoms.

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