The feasibility of the work of the National Center for Testing and other State Officers is analyzed in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The feasibility of the work of the National Center for Testing and other State Officers is analyzed in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The feasibility of the work of the National Center for Testing and other State Officers is analyzed in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana. February 19. KazTAG - the feasibility of the National Testing Center and other state operators and monopolists analyze in Kazakhstan, the press service of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition (AZRK) reports.

"On behalf of the head of state, AZRK conducts an analysis of the expediency of continuing the activities of subjects of state monopoly, public and private operators. With the support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency on a daily basis meets meetings with authorized state bodies, "the message is stated in Friday.

As clarified in the agency, "the implementation of this approach will take into account the specifics of the activities of each government agency."

"In particular, at the first meetings with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the representative of the RGCP National Center for Testing informed about the work of the Center for Disposal Operational Activity when conducting computer testing, including UNT (Unified National Testing - Ent), in a competitive environment ", I specified in AZRK.

It is noted that the results of the meetings are summed at the level of deputy first heads of state bodies.

"According to preliminary analysis conducted by AZRK, the presence of operators was established in 39 laws, while in 94% of cases by the operator status, the subjects of the quasi-state sector (JSC, TOO) and state enterprises are endowed. Of the 53 identified operators 50 are state. In the remaining three cases, the finite beneficiaries are individuals. The largest number of operators operates in the spheres of IT, transport, communications and finance. In addition, 17 subjects continue to work in the commodity markets of the country, legally assigned to the state monopoly, "the report said.

The agency clarified that meetings with government agencies will be held until early April 2021.

Recall, on January 26, President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev instructed AZRK to analyze the expediency of continuing the activities of uniform operators and monopolists, and also forbade the creation of monopolist operators before adopting the relevant law. According to the head of state, "Today, the country's economy suffers not only from the excessive presence of the state, but also from non-competitive actions of private monopolists."

"Somewhere that the state created by the state, somewhere - just private monopolies," said Tokayev.

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