Lerua and Moskhoztorga Competitor: Magnit opens shops with home and repair goods

Lerua and Moskhoztorga Competitor: Magnit opens shops with home and repair goods 2620_1

The company in recent years has been too actively testing new projects and formats from the "Magnet of Evening" to the hard discounter "My price". Recently it became known about the launch of the Magnit GO kiosks, and here's the next news: the PFD "Tander" (the operating company "Magnet" network) in March filed several applications for the registration of trademarks "Magnet Master", writes Kommersant.

Everything suggests that the assortment will be focused on repairs and economy. Thus, the graphic image of a trademark includes a hammer symbol and is made in the corporate style "Magnit". The interlocutor of the publication, working with retail chains, confirms that the retailer wants to enter the market with goods for home and repair (in "Magnies", the same collapses say that they do not exclude experiments with new formats).

Exit to the repair market and household goods is a fully logical step for the company, given that network players are still a bit (many of them are outside the Moscow Ring Road). In this sense, "Magnit" can be the most store "At the house".

This is talking about at least the previous experience. According to the general director of the Agency "Infoline-Analytics", Mikhail Burmistrov, a segment in general, an unstable, and "Magnit" here just can become a major player. It is very convenient when you can place specialized stores near other points of attraction, for example, near our grocery, as it was in the case of "Magnet Cosmetics". The expert recalled that in 2018 the company managed to overtake the long-term leader L'Etoile.

At the same time, it is known that not all the current players are satisfied with how things are going with small formats. Recently, we wrote that Leroy Merlin will soon close all small shops within the Moscow Ring Road. At the same time, IKEA opens its "City" (which in the area each time becomes only more).

According to analysts, Magnet Master can develop on an area of ​​300-500 square meters. M. As the director of the department of commercial premises CBRE Marina Malachko, there is still no simple and understandable product on the market, where Leroy Merlin and Moskhoztorga format would be combined.

Photo: shutterstock.com

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