8 makeup techniques that are good for selfie, and in life are able to spoil any image


Fashion on makeup is changing rapidly: sometimes just one post of the blogger or the release of the series so that girls around the world wanted to try a new reception or cosmetics. However, not all trends really decorate those who are trying on them. Some of them attract views, only when we look at them from afar or in the photo, but for everyday life are unsuitable.

We in adme.ru decided to figure out which makeup techniques it is better to leave for stars on a red carpet.

1. Makeup for Selfie

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© Ddny / East News, © Facetoface / East News

Trends from social networks moved to the real world, where they look inappropriate and too catchy. Overhead Eyelashes, Dark Negood Contouring and deliberately Shining Highlights look good in the photo, but in daylight it looks like makeup. The self-makeup technique deprives individuality, the face, as it were, "is drawn" from scratch with the help of a huge amount of cosmetics. As a result, everyone looks the same: perfect eyebrows, a thin nose, cat eyes with false eyelashes.

2. Lipstick, leaving the contour of the lips

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© Facetoface / East News, © Sipa USA / East News

The trick with a lipstick, which goes beyond the mouth of the mouth, would have to make lips visually plump. It works on the podium or in the photo, but in life it looks like the lips painted over their own. Makeup artists advise to refuse such a reception. You can visually increase the lips with the help of good moisturizing and lipstick color - cold red will help in this. A good care is played by a good care (lip scrubs) and consumption of the required amount of fluid.

3. Eyebrow on stencil

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© Lomohov Anatoly / East News, © Sipa USA / East News

The accurate eyebrows, made on the stencil, do not paint anyone with natural light, because they look as if they painted them with a felt-taster. It is better to prefer the "fluffy" and natural form: such makeup makes a face not so angular and does not require a lot of effort. The effect of fluffy eyebrows can be achieved with a tinting gel and special powder.

4. Glitter on the lips

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© Tristan Fewings / Gettyimages, © Richard Bord / Gettyimages

Although the sequins conquered the female hearts after the release of the series "Euphoria", yet the glitter on the lips - the decision is not the most successful. When we see such makeup in the photos, we lose the gift of speech from beauty, but, alas, in real life it is not a place. It is very impractical. After all, the only way to keep the shiny is to apply a special glue, otherwise they will soon be everywhere: on teeth, cheeks and clothing.

5. Artificial freckles

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© Sipa USA / East News, © Facetoface / East News

In photographs on social networks, it may look cute, but the makeup artists believe that there is nothing worse than the wrong artificial freckles, and recommend to leave them for those happy, which they got from nature. After all, it is unlikely that at home will turn out to be absorbed so that it looks natural, and not like a clown makeup.

6. Rushane

Blushes on the eyelids and under the eyes of the makeup artists are used to create romantic images. Under the light of soffits and at a high distance it looks like a cloud of sugar wool. But in the daily lighting, the reddish shades should not be applied around the eyes - they only emphasize fatigue. In addition, we are very rare in ordinary life, we are trying on the images in the style of Mary Antoinette, when such makeup would be really to the place.

7. Wavy eyebrows

This trend forced many makeup artists to grab the head. Eyebrows are the first thing that we pay attention when we see a person. They must framed and have the right form. The wavy form is suitable except as a way to stand out on the celebration of Halloween or as a creative experiment.

8. White console under the eyes

The zone under the eyes only wins when we put a bright tone on it. But the reception with the application of a bright white color looks too unnaturally, and even on the red walkway it can be seen. It is better to prefer the means only for a couple of tones lighter skin shade. And to hide bruises under the eyes, it is worth choosing a yellow consigner.

What techniques in makeup do not like you?

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